Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2011 — Page 35 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
maintained 3 br/2.5 ba homeon 21,780 sf land. Expansive lawn, large lanais, home allows for easy expansion. Views and location are unparalleled. Sandy beach across the street. $649,000. Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties, 1314 S. King St. 2nd. Hon. Hl 96814. 593-0456. Call Lali Dewolfe, RA 808-392-2656. LaliD@ cbpacific.com. WAIMANALO undivided interest lease for the next new home offering. WAIANAE 7/2/3 lg home; newly upgraded beautiful 3/2/2 home, fenced yd. DHHL Leases, Graham Realty ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) (808) 221-6570. WAIMEA 10 Acres Pastoral w/house, shed - 5 acres w/house, fenced, in heart of Waimea, all utl. KAWAIHAE MAUKA - 2/2 lge lot, view. DHHL Leases, Graham Realty ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808 221-6570. WAIMEA-KAMUELA Puukapu 10 leasehold pastoral acres w/well designed 3bd/2.5ba spacious home. A must see to enjoy inside and out. Covered Lanai, manyextras: Listed $328,000. Interested in selling or buying eall me, G.K. "Pua" Correa (RS) (808) 896-6888. WILLSELL 21 ,560sf Keaukaha house lot - 45B Nahale-a St for$30K. Willingto work w/buyeror will build forbuyer. Call Bryan at 732-9751.