Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2011 — Step Out diabetes walk happens March 19 [ARTICLE]
Step Out diabetes walk happens March 19
Participants will laee up their walking shoes in a collective effort to fight diabetes at the annual
American Diabetes Association Step Out Walk to Fight Diabetes onMarch 19. The 2.3-mile walk around Kapi'olani Park starts at 8 a.m., preceded by warm ups at 7:45. The day also offers entertainment, games and fun. "Every step you take and every dollar you raise helps the American Diabetes Association - Hawai'i Market provide education programs in our community, protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research for a cure," the ADA web site says. Diabetes, a chronic illness, disproportionately affects Native Hawaiians. In support of the Step Out walk, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs has provided a $10,000 'Ahahui Event Grant to the Ameriean Diabetes Association. To register as a team or an individual, visit www.diabetes.org/ stepouthawaii.
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