Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 3, 1 March 2011 — Native arts foundation wins grant, seeks Development Director [ARTICLE]

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Native arts foundation wins grant, seeks Development Director

The M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust in Vancouver, Washington, has awarded the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation a $225,000 grant, whieh will be used to hire a full-time Development Director in 2011. Applicants should be experienced, deeply steeped in the funding landscape, sensitive to the

values inherent in relations with native communities and visionary in creative development efforts. The expectation is that the position will be held for at least five years. The Leawood, Kansas-based Moran Co. has been hired to eonduct the search. Visit http://bit. ly/ehE3ob to view the position description. In late 2010, the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation awarded its first grants totaling $394,319 to 26 American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian artists and organizations in 12 states. For information about the foundation, visit www. nativeartsandcultures.org, "fan" the foundation on Facebook or sign up to receive its newsletter at info@ nativeartsandcultures.org .