Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 3, 1 March 2011 — malaki [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
REMEMBERING THE GOLDEN VOICE OF HAWAI'I Sat, March 19, 3-6:30 p.m. Visit the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, whieh is celebrating its 50th
anniversary, as it honors legendary Hawaiian romantic
baritone Alfred Aholo Apaka. Participants include Kahu Curt La'alua Kekuna with Pu Kahea by Kaupena Wong and Hālau Hula O Maiki. Mihana Souza of Puamana, Aaron Mahi and Kanoe Miller will present lei to Apaka's life-size bronze statue. Emeee Keaumiki Akui, Cyril Lani Pahinui, Melveen Leed, Kapena DeLima, Jeff Teves, Queenie Ventura, Darren Benitez, Hal Seabury, Jeff Au Hoy, Ethylenne Teves, Mona Teves, Kealoha Kalama, Ihilani Miller, Clayton Naluai, Ha'a Heyer, Brandon Souza, Keone Souza, Kawena Mechler, Cathy Foy, George Kuo and other special guests will perform songs made famous worldwide by Apaka.
GROW HAWAIIAN FESTIVAL Sat, April 2, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Celebrate Hawaiian culture, native plants, and sustainable lifestyles with the Hawaiian Electric Co.
Leam about the importance of kapa, lei and lauhala making in
4 Many styles | of lei haku will I be on display J atHECO'sGrow I Hawaiian Festival. - Photo: CourtesyofHECO Hawai'i's native
culture. Unearth Hawai'i's native plants and what they were traditionally used for. Discover the sustainable benefits of going green. Relax on the lawn and enjoy music by Weldon Kekauoha, Waipuna and Kaukahi at the Bishop Museum. Free forkama'āina and military. 543-75 1 1 or www.heco.com. MAUKA TO MAKAI EXPO Sat, April 9, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Bring your 'ohana and explore our Islands' unique water resources at the 4th annual Mauka to Makai Environmental Expo at the Waiklkl Aquarium. Activities include hands-on educational displays, pieture taking with 'Apohā the 'o'opu and friends, water polluhon prevention games and activity books, natural resource arts and crafts, and storytelling about Hawai'i's environment. Water-related arts and crafts will be available for keiki. Winners of the City's annual Earth Month Clean Water Teen Video Contest will also be announced. The first 500 families will receive a free native Hawaiian plant. Free admission. Free parking and shuttle, Waikīkī Elementary School beginning at 8:45 a.m. www.eleanwaterhonolulu.com.
KAUA'I March 19-26 Kūhiō's birth island honors their hometown prince with weeklong festivities at the Grand Hyatt Kaua'i Resort and Spa and other locales, such as Kaua'i Beach Resort, Kalapakī Beach, Marriott's Wai'ohai Beach Club, Plantation Gardens, the National Tropical Botanical Garden, Prince Kūhiō Park and Kukui'ula Village. OHA is the lead sponsor of the festivites, whieh perpetuate Native Hawaiian cultural arts, practices and values. Features the powerful male kahiko (ancient) hula by Nā Kāne O Keoneloa, teaching of Native Hawaiian arts and cultural practices, a lū'au, eanoe club regatta, renowned entertainment, a royal dinner and
Hawaiian fashion contest and many other interpretive activities. Most events are free. Sponsored in part by the Hawai'i Tourism Authority and Kaua'i County. princekuhio.wetpaint.com or (808) 240-6369. O'AHU The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs (AHCC) holds monthlong events sponsored by the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Kamehameha Schools and the State Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. HOLOKŪ BALL Sat, March 5, 5-10 p.m. Hosted by the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu to raise scholarship funds for Hawaiian students,
a Alfred Apaka & P Shirley īemple. - Photo: Courtesy of ' l Bob Sigatt
Nfl Kanē 0 Keoneloa will perform at the Prince Kūhiō Celebration March 26 at the Grand Hyatt Kaua'i Resort and Spa. - Photo: Courtesy ofAnne E. 0'Malley
this year's ball honors retired Judge Thomas K. Kaulukukui Jr., Chair of the Queen Lili'uokalani Trust Board of Trustees; Leina'ala Kalama Heine, Kumu Hula of Nā Pua O Likolehua; and the late Dr. Isabella Kauakea Aiona Abbott, educator and ethnobotanist. Royal Hawaiian Hotel MonarchRoom. Fortickets, anitanaone @msn.comor 261-2121. NATIVE HAWAIIAN HEALTH FESTIVAL Sat, March 12, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. A one-stop shop for information related to Native Hawaiian heahh. Features exercise and cultural demonstrations, indigenous healthy foods and traditional healing practices. Hawaiian music and hula round out the day's events held in the backyard of DHHL. Hawai'i Maoli, Kapolei. Free. 2915038 or taiulu@yahoo.com. CHORAL CONCERT Thurs., Marcli 17, 7 p.m. Enjoy a rare evening of Hawaiian a eapella singing under the direction of choral master Nola Nahulu. With performances by Kawaiolaonāpūkanileo, Hawai'i Youth Opera Chorus, UH-Mānoa Hawaiian Ensemble, the Kawaiaha'o Church Choir, Nā Leo Kuho'okahi and the Windward Community College Ensembles. Kawaiaha'o Church. Free. STEP OUT DIABETES WALK Sat, March 19, 7-10 a.m. The American Diabetes Association sponsors this annual walk to help raise funds for its work to fight this disease, whieh disproportionately affects Native Hawaiians. Join Team Kahoonei by visiting the link http:// bit.ly/ig7N7g. Numerous booths provide educational information on diabetes and distribute free diabetic
products. Kapi'olani Park. PUALEILANI ARTS FESTIVAL Sat, Marcli 19, noon to 7 p.m. The Royal Hawaiian Center joins the AHCC in a day of Hawaiian arts: folk, fine and performing, Hawaiian music, traditional and modern hula, demonstrations and displays in The Royal Grove with the sights and sounds of old Hawai'i. Kūhiō's home was named Pualeilani, meaning "royal garland of flowers," and was located in Waiklkl at what is now Kūhiō Beach. Sponsored by AHCC, Royal Hawaiian Center, Kamehameha Schools. 931-3111. ALI'I SUNDAY Sunday, March 20, 8:30-10 a.m. Ali'i Sunday Services at Kawaiaha'o Church in honor of Prince Kūhiō. www.kawaiahao.org. PARADE AND HO'OLAULE'A Sat, Marcli 26, 10 a.m. The Prince Kūhiō Commemorative Parade rolls down Kalākaua Avenue in Waikīkī from Saratoga Road to Kapi'olani Park. Features rare Hawaiian flags of the Hawaiian Kingdom and participation by the Royal Societies. Learn more about the work of OHA, DHHL, Hawaiian Homestead Associations, Alu Like Ine., Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center, community organizations, hālau hula and marching units. 6888949 or sharigamiao@yahoo.com. The Prince Kūhiō Ho'olaule'a and Hō'ike'ike at Kapi'olani Park Bandstand, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. features Native Hawaiian arts and crafts, exhibits by Native Hawaiian organizations and businesses, food and afternoon entertainment by Hawaiian musicians. ululani2006@hawaiian tel.net or 237-8856. ■
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I Demonstrating how kapa is made will be one of the cultural sesj sions planned at the I Prince Kūhiō Celebration on Kaua'i, setfor I March 1 9 through 26. 1 - Photo: Courtesy of I MargyParker