Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 3, 1 March 2011 — LCC STUDENT SUPPORT CENTER MARKS MILESTONE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
The Pā'ina Hālau 'lke 0 Pu'uloa celebrated the oneyear anniversary of the Native Hawaiian Student Support Center at Leeward Community College on Jan. 28. The Hālau 'lke o Pu'uloa support center provides a variety of programs and support services to Leeward 0'ahu's Native Hawaiian students. SDecial auest Kamu-
ela J.N. Enos, pictured above, who is the Community Resource Development Director at MA'O 0rganic Farms and an 0bama-appointed member of the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific lslanders, gifted the hālau with an original artwork created by his brother, Solomon Enos. Event sponsors included the 0ffice of Hawaiian Affairs, Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center and Leeward Community College. Inset, Vernon Viernes of QLCC and Gerald Lau of 0HA pose with a beneficiary. - Photo: Courtesy of Hano/ King