Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 3, 1 March 2011 — OHA SUPPORTS COMMUNITY RESOURCE EXPO IN WAIMEA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
U.S. Rep. Mazie K. Hirono was a special guest speaker at the Hawai'i First Community Resource Expo on Jan. 28 at the Waimea Shopping Center. The expo, presented by the Hawai'i First Community Resource Center - and funded in part by OHA to support eeonomie self-sufficiency for Native Hawaiians - brought more than 25 agencies and organizations together to offer vital services directly to the community, including prescreening and applieahon help for federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, including EBT, rental assistance programs, Section 8 assistance, low-interest loans for home repair, hnaneial services opportunities, legal assistance, scholarship information, employment assistance, free resume assistance, professional dress-to-impress makeovers, nail art, makeup applieahon, acupuncture, blood-pressure readings, keiki and senior identification cards, and childcare assistance. In fiscal year 2009, OHA also provided Hawai'i First Federal Credit Union a Kaiāulu Grant to support educational and vocational training in micro-enterprise. The resource center is an affiliate of the credit union, a not-for-profit, community-based, low-ineome designated federal credit union. For information, eall the Hawai'i First Community Resource Center at (808) 885-6600. - Courtesy photo