Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2011 — OPENING DAY AT THE STATE LEGISLATURE OPTIMISM FOR THE FUTURE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
xcitement was in the air on Opening Day at the Hawai'i State Legislature, marking the official īh start of the 201 1 legislaT tive session. w "Let us not forget our eommitment to the Hawaiian C people," said the new Senate President Shan Tsutsui, who had a standing ovation after his J selection. "With seven members of Hawaiian heritage, the Senate will look to them to lead Rj us in dealing with issues that affect the Hawaiian eommunity. We will move forward on a ceded land settlement to
fulfill our responsibility." "The opening of
the legislature signals a very busy, yet important time for OHA," said Colette Machado, Chairperson of the
Office of Hawaiian Affairs. "I am seeking your 1 kōkua at the 2011 Legisla- I tive session. It is important that we understand that the success at the Legislature is r a shared responsibility. We ' need everyone's support." ■ — Text anel photos by Francine Murray
1 . Hawai'i's Ambassador of Aloha, Danny Kaleikini started the morning off with mele. 2. The Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus lead by Lynell Bright entertained the room. 3. Senator Daniel lnouye, and at right, OHA CE0 Clyde Nāmu'o and Senator Clarence K. Nishihara. 4. OHA Trustee Robert Lindsey, Senator Pohai Ryan, Kekoa William Kaluhiwa and Jeremy Kama Hopkins.
"It was a great day at the state Capitol," said OHA Chairperson Colette Machado. Among the dignitaries were five governors: Governor Neil Abercrombie, Linda Lingle, Ben Cayetano, John Waihe'e and George Ariyoshi, as well as U.S. Senators Daniel lnouye and Daniel Akaka. The photo shows attendees standing for the oath of office.
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Lieutenant Governor Brian Schatz, Governor Neil Abercrombie, Former Governor Linda Lingle and Senator Malama Solomon stand for the swearing in of the Senate.
OHA Chairperson Colette Machado shares in the aloha during Opening Day at the Legislature.
Maile Shimabukuro,whowas named to the . state Senate by | Governor Neil Abercrombie, 1 and Kauhane Lee, in the halls oftheCapitol.