Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2011 — NO KAILINA PUBLIC NOTICES [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


BURIAL N0TICE KAWAIAHA'O CHURCH Any 'ohana who have family members buried in marked or unmarked gravesites at Kawaiaha'o Chureh are requested to respond immediately to this notiee. Kawaiaha'o Chureh is planning to build a multi-purpose hall at the site of the former Likeke Hall. Sixty-nine Iwi Kūpuna (bones and burial remains) have been dug up from the chureh's cemetery to date. The iwi were discovered, unearthed and disinterred at this construction site with permission of Kawaiaha'o Church, the State of Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources

and the Department of Heahh. The Iwi Kūpuna are currently in the basement of the church at the bottom of the bell tower. Our relatives need to be put back to rest and treated with the highest respect. The immediate eoneem is that eonstruction will resume before family members have been contacted to discuss the current situation. Please eall Kawaiaha'o Church at 522-1333 and express your concerns and request a halt to all construction until meetings with family members have been held and all concerns have been addressed and discussed. NORTHERN LEG OF THE WESTERN BYPASS ROAD Kōloa Ahupua'a and Kōloa District, Kaua'i TMKs: (4) 2-7-003: 002 (por.)

and 014; 2-8-006: 001 (por.) Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Amended 2006), notice is hereby given that the County of Kaua'i Department of Puhlie Works, in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration and State of Hawai'i Department of Transportation, proposes to construct the Northern Leg of the existing Western Bypass Rd. (Ala Kalanikaumaka) in the Kōloa District, Kaua'i. The 0.4mile long Northern Leg will connect the Western Bypass Rd. with Ala Kinoiki (Eastern Bypass Rd.). The Northern Leg will include a 150-foot wide right-of-way, and a 520-foot long, 60-foot wide bridge. Native Hawaiian Organizations and Native Hawaiian descendants with lineal or cultural ties to, eul-

tural knowledge or concerns for, and cultural or religious attachment to the historic resources of the Kōloa ahupua'a are requested to contact Mr. Wallaee Kudo or Mr. Ken Teshima, Department of Puhlie Works, County of Kaua'i, (808) 241-4996, 4444 Rice Street #275, Llhu'e, HI 96766-1340, wkudo@kauai.gov or kteshima@kauai.gov. Pleaserespond by Wednesday, March 2, 2011. ■ CULTURAL IMPAŪĪ ASSESSMENT NŪTICE Information requested by SCS of cultural resources or ongoing eultural activities on or near the former Kam Drive-In TMK:9-8-013:013. Please respond within 30 days to SCS at (808) 597-1182. ■