Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2011 — MAHALO, "DOC" BURROWS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
The Jan. 24 meeting of the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Council marked the end of the tenure of Dr. Charles "Doc" Burrows, who is stepping down after having served on the volunteer eouneil since 2002. OHA Chairperson Colette Machado and OHA CE0 Clyde Nāmu'o thanked him for his years of service on the eouneil, whieh advises 0HA's Board of Trustees on historic and cultural preservation issues. Burrows, center, wearing lei, is a former Kamehameha Schools educator and current Co-Pres-ident of 'Ahahui Mālama I ka Lōkahi, a nonprofit organization working to restore Kawainui Marsh. Pictured from leftare: eouneil members Kealakahi Myers (Hawai'i), Chris Kauwe (Kaua'i), Clara "Sweets" Matthews (O'ahu),
Jeno Enoeeneio (Hawai'i), "Doc" Burrows (O'ahu), Chairperson Ke'eaumoku Kapu (Maui), OHA volunteer Apolei Bargamento, Alvin Burrows (Moloka'i), OHA Student lntern Kapua Parker, and Benjamin Noeau Sr. (Hawai'i) - Photo:Iach Villanueva
NHHPC seeks members The 1 l-member Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Couneil is seeking applicants to serve as island representatives. Applicants may reside on any island and must be at least 1 8 years of age. Travel expenses are covered by OHA. lfyouareinterested, email Keola Lindsey at keolal@oha. org or eall (808) 594-0244.
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