Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 2011 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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@HA Office of Hawaiian Affairs
"The Mālama Loan gave me the freedom tocreate my children's books without being tied down due to budget constrictions. I was able to create exactly whatl envisioned. And it's available to Native Hawaiians who may not get a ehanee from other lending institutions. " — Butch Helemano, Kumu, Musician, Author & Illustrator
A First Hawaiian Bank
All applicants must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry, whether applying as an individual or collectively, as a group of people organized for eeonomie development purposes. Partnerships, LLC's and Corporations that apply must also be 100% Native Hawaiian owned. Borrowers may be required tocomplete a creditcounselingclass before receivingthe loan. Based on a fully amortized 5 year loan of $10,000 at 5.00% APR, you will have 60 monthly phneipal and interest paymentsof $188.71. Subjecttocredit approval and eligibility. Certain restrictions and conditions apply.