Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2011 — Page 39 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Public Education Support (PEdS) Seeks to collaboratively mobilize and inspire systemic improvements for Hawaiian keiki in public schools by supporting innovative practices, community relationships, skilled teaching, strong leadership and cultural relevance via initiatives like Race to the Top. Supporting Innovation - New Tech High Hawai'i Kamehameha Schools has worked to collaborate with public school leaders on the Leeward Coast with the purpose of transforming edueahonal outcomes for children of Nānākuli, Wai'anae, Mā'ili, Mākaha and Kapolei. New Tech High is one of many education reform models at the heart of this 21st century school redesign movement. Call (808) 534-3807. Supporting Charter Schools • Ho'olako Like: Through its support of 14 Hawaiian-focused charter schools in Hawai'i, this program aims to build capacity and improve the well-being of people of Hawaiian ancestry by supporting the leadership, teaching and advancement of Hawaiian-focused charter schools. • Ho'okāko'o Corporation: a non-profit organization that provides support for programs and services to three new century conversion school communities serving more than 1,500 students in high-need communities. Call (808) 534-3807. Investing In Our Educators Kauhale Kīpaiai seeks to increase the capability of Hawai'i's public school educators to deliver effective, quality educational services to Native Hawaiian students, from pre-k through graduate school. Through programs like Kahua and Moenahā, Kauhale Kīpaipai works collaboratively with DOE, charter and immersion schools. Call (808) 534-3807. ^ 'lke Pono Hawai'i (IPH) Program A program that works with students and teachers in select DOE elementary schools with high percentages of Native Hawaiian students 1 to advance the teaching and learning of Hawaiian culture. Call (808) / 534-8344. r % Kahua Pa'a (Basic Skills Program) _ This program assists students ages 16 to adult to attain their high 0 school diploma. Financial Aid and Scholarships Kamehameha Schools partially subsidizes tuition for students attending its preschools and three K-12 campuses. KS provides tuition assistance based on financial need. Visit http://ksbe.edu/finaid/ or -;v/ eall (808) 534-8080.