Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2011 — Page 38 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
community programs & services Exploration SGriGS The Exploration Series of programs is comprised of t three different summer boarding programs targetkk dational Hawaiian cultural v 3 • Ho'olauna: A one-week boarding program for students entering grades 7 and 8 offering an in-depth look at Hawaiian customs and traditions by engaging students in hands-on cultural practices. • Kūlia I Ka Pono: A one-week program for students entering grades 8 and 9 reinforcing the importance of one's cultural identity and sense of belonging to the Hawaiian community. For more information, eall (808) 534-8272 or send an e-mail to enrichment@ksbe.edu. Career and Post-High Counseling This program helps students who receive Kamehameha scholarships to complete their post-high programs. Call (808) 534-8339. Hūlili Hūlili is a year-round program on Maui open to students in grades 6-f2 who applied to but are not currently attending Kamehameha Schools. Call (808) 573-7037. -7. First Nations' Futures: Land Legacy Education The program brings together indigenous fellows from Hawai'i, ' Aotearoa and Stanford University in a yearlong fellowship focused on I developing leadership through case study and project-based learning. J Visit www.fnfp.org or eall (808) 534-3935. »V Kamehameha Schools Distance Learning ;J; ( ■ Provides distance learning opportunities with focus on 'ike and ,-^WWĒ" nohona Hawai'i (knowledge and practice of Hawaiian culture). Visit http://ksdl.ksbe.edu or eall (808) 842-8877. jT • Tke Hawai'i provides high school learners nationwide with the exciting opportunity to learn about Hawaiian culture, history and literature. • A'o Makua provides parents, caregivers and other adults ^ the opportunity to reconnect with and share the Hawaiian culture. • A'o Kumu provides educators with professional development opportunities to acquire 2fst century teaching skills with a focus on accessing, integrating and U developing Hawaiian culture education-based learning reources.