Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 January 2011 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hui No Ke Ola Pono (BCCCP) is offering Free Pap smears and mammograms to women who do not have insuranee. Women must meet eligibility requirements for the I Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program I WWWl tm * 40-64 years old I ) i' Hi i * Maui County resident I «lipo * Valid social security number I ki: * 3Vleet ineome criteria For more information eall Cassie or Rebecca at | 442-6856 I


Nānā ka maka; hana ka lima. "Observe with the eyes; work with the hands" (Pukui, 2267) The purpose of this Hana Lima Scholarship is to give hnaneial assistance to students participating in a vocational or technical education program for occupations that ean provide a "living wage." Eligible programs include, but are not limited to, automotive teclinologv, medical assisting, massage therapy, cosmetology and CDL training. Preference is given to non-traditional students. As an applicant, you must meet the following criteria: • BeofNativeHawaiianancestry • BearesidentofthestateofHawai'i • Be enrolled at least halftime in a vocational degree or certification program ( Associates Degree) for the Spring 20 1 1 term in one of the educational institutions in Hawai'i listed on our website. T°ee«40, If you have any questions, please contact: ALU LIKE, ine. Hana Lima Scholarship (808) 535-6734 or visit our website at a http://www.alulike.org Alu like ine Fundins made possible by the sracious contributions of Kamehameha Schools.

