Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2011 — MEAOLOKO O LOKO TABLE OF CONTENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


'ianuali | january 2011 1 Vol. 28, No. 1

MO'OLELO NUI | G0VER FEATURE ln her final State of OHA Address, Haunani Apoliona welcomes new , leadership under Colette Machado mge iai BY HAUNANI APOUONA W

Read her complete remarks and see photos from the event. RELATED ST0RY īhe winds of change page 4 Newly elected Trustees are swom in; Board elects new Chairperson

E1 1 GOVERNANGE OHA gears up for the legislative session pages From tuition waivers to cultural impact assessments, 0HA's 9 measures would ^ignificantly improve the Hawaiian community. BY LI8A A8AĪ0 MAULI OLA | HEMĪH īhe gentle strong man page 13 Tommy Heffernan's Strength Coaches Clinic is funded in part by OHA. BY H0WARD DASHEFSKY

MO'OMEHEU | C0UURE Canoe race honors water sports legends page 25 Duke Kahanamoku Challenge honors Mau Piailug, the Pi'ianai'a 'ohana. BY MELISSA M0NIZ

Cover: 0utgoing Chairperson Haunani Apoliona, wearing floral lei, and her successor, Colette Machado, embrace in a symbolic gesture of their friendship and unity over the past 1 4 years on the Board of Trustees. - Photo: laeh Villanueva

Duke Kahanamoku, respected waterman and ambassador of aloha. - lmage courtesy of Bishofi Museum