Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2011 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I@HĀ I office of hawaiian affairs OHA Mālama Loan 5.00% I Annual Percentage Rate Fixed for 5 Years • Loan up to $75,000 Quickand Easy Application


First Hawaiian Bank

All applicants must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry, whetherapplyingas an individual or collectively, as a group of people organized for economicdevelopment purposes. Partnerships, LLC's and Corporations that apply mustalso be 100% Native Hawaiian owned. Borrowers may be required to complete a credit counseling class before receiving the loan. Based on a fully amortized 5 year loan of 510,000 at 5.00% APR, you will have 60 monthly prindpal and interest payments of 5188.71. Subject to credit approval and eligibility. Certain restrictions and conditions apply.