Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2011 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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jfl January Featured Community Development Projects
HOMESTEAD ENERGY PROGRAM Provides grants and loans up to $6,500 to homeowners on Hawaiian Home Lands to install solar water heating systems. Grants are available subject to household size and ineome limitations. Loans have average monthly payments of $72 per month and there are no ineome limits. Benefits: *Reduces your monthly electric bill *Qualifīes you to elaim state and federal tax credits *Reduces your household reliance on fossil fuels 1 24 solar water heater applications approved in homestead communities accross the State. Funded by DOE, HUD, DHHL, Blue Planeī Foundation, and Hawaii Energy. Contact Brett Nakoa to get an applieaīion and install your solar system today!
HAWAII FAMILY FINANCE PROJECT Helps prepare Hawaii's families for homeownership and longterm hnaneial success for free. Participation is available to prospective homebuyers that are at least 1 8 years of age and meet ineome limitations. Services: *Financial EducationTraining *Financial Education Counseling *Access up to $4,000 in Savings Match *Deposit Account Establishment *Access up to $5,666 in Earned lncomeTax Credit Filings *$500 Certifīcate for Families that Close a Mortgage Funded in part by an award from the CDFI Fund. Contact Kapu Gaison to achieve your homeownership dreams!
(^)Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement • 1050 Queen Street, Suite 200, Honolulu, Hl 96814 Tel: 808.596.8155 / 800.709.2642 • Fax: 808.596.8156 / 800. 710.2642 • E-mail: info@hawaiiancouncil.org • Website: www.hawaiiancouncil.org