Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2010 — kēkēmapa [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
KŪPAOA LIVE AT PO LA'ILA'I Thurs., Dec 2, 8-10:30 p.m. With the clarity of a canary, Llhau Hannah's sweet voice will charm your senses; collectively with Kellen Paik, their music will beguile your heart and mind. Enjoy a free concert with the dynamic duo at The Venue, 1144 Bethel St., 528-1144. Buy two or more Kūpaoa CD Double Packs and get a free die-cut sticker by entering the promo code FREESTICKER at Kupaoa.com.
ALI'I SUNDAY Dec. 5 and 19, 8:30 a.m. On Dec. 5, Kawaiaha'o Church commemorates the birth of King ! KamehamehaV. Born Lot Kapuāiwa on Dec. 11, 1872, | he reigned with the motto "Onina'a
- Steadfast," from 1863 to 1872. On Dec. 19, the church will celebrate Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's birthday. King Kamehameha I's great-granddaughter and his last heir, Pauahi founded the Kamehameha Schools. The program includes participation by the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, 'Ahahui O Ka'ahumanu, Hale O Nā Ali'i O Hawai'i, Daughters and Sons of Hawaiian WarriorsMāmakakaua and members of Hawaiian civic clubs. Kawaiaha'o Church office, 469-3000.
PEARL HARBOR KAMA'ĀINA DAY Sun., Dec. 5, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
In remembrance of the attack on Pearl Harbor and all that ensued, a special day for kama'āina will feature tours, displays, hula and entertainment by The Singing Blue Stars of the USS Hornet, Royal Hawaiian Band and Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus at the World War II Valor in the Paeihe Nahonal Monu-
ment Visitor Center. In February, OH A granted $100,000 for the upcoming
Pearl Harbor Visitor Center to include a display on the Hawaiian cultural significance
and history of the Pu'uloa area. www. PacificHistoricParks.com or 454-8777.
HO'OULU: THE INSPIRATION OF HULA Sat, Dec. 11,11 a.m.-l p.m. Experience a magical storytelling festival of family hula stories by renowned hula 'ohana as part of the exhibit Ho 'oulu: Tlie Inspiration ofHula at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center, featuring photos and paintings of kumu hula who have received the Order of Distinction for Cultural Leadership from the State: 'Iolani Luahine, Rosalie Lokalia Montgomery, Mary Kawena Pukui and Edith Kanaka'ole. The Schaefer International Gallery is open 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed.-Sun. www. MauiArts.org or 808-242-7469.
Fri. and Sat, Dec. 17 and 18, 6 p.m. Celebrate the holidays Hawaiian style with an amazing lineup of Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awardwinning talent and a delectable buffet at the newly restored historic Queen Kapi'olani Hotel. On Friday, enjoy the melodious melodies of Holunape, Mānoa DNA and Natalie Ai Kamuu, and on Saturday Waipuna is joined on stage by Mailani Makainai and Weldon Kekauoha. $50. For reservations: sales@queenkapiolani.com, 922-1941 orwww.Likiki.com.
A CAZIMERO CHRISTMAS Dec. 10-12, 7:30 p.m. Fri. and Sat; 2 p.m. Sun. A true seasonal delight, Robert and Roland Cazimero will put a spin on the sound of the holidays that is sure to please. Brother
Rodney "Tiny" Cazimero and sister Kanoe
"Tootsie" Cazimero join the fun to make this truly a family affair. Hawai'i Theatre. $30-$75, some discounts offered. www.Hawaiiīhe atre.com or 528-0506. For a Cazimeros DVD treat, visit music stores or www. MountainAppleCompany. eom for the newly released At Home In Tlie lslands, with exclusive interviews, rare Sunday Mānoa performances and never before seen photographs.
Waipuna. - Courtesy photo
Princess Berniee Pauahi Bishop. - °hoto: Guava r
Robert and Roland Cazimero. - Courtesy photo