Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2010 — Makahiki Events [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Makahiki Events
The traditional Hawaiian Makahiki was a time of spiritual cleansing, when ho'okupu were offered to the god Lono. War was forbidden and a clear path was made for the image of Lono, carried by a priest, as it
led a procession around the island. This ceremony of appreciation for the prosperity provided by generosity of Lono was followed by a period of celebration expressed in Hawaiian games, feasts, song and dance. KAPUAIKAULA (HICKAM) MAKAHIKI Sat, Nov. 6, 9 a.m.-l p.m. Lono arrives by eanoe at Hiekam Harbor Beach and proceeds to the grassy area makai of Seabreeze Restaurant. Opening ceremony will be followed by traditional game competitions and prizes in 'ulu maika (stone rolling), moa pahe'e (dart tossing), hakamoa (one-leg wrestling) and makaihe (spear throwing). Sponsored by O'ahu Council of Hawaiian Civic Clubs and the Joint Base Command of Pearl Harbor and Hiekam. Contact Shad Kane at 429-7175 or shadskane@gmail.com to expedite gate access. WAIMĀNALO (BELLOWS) MAKAHIKI Sat, Nov. 20, 10 a.m. -5 p.m. Join in the traditional event of procession and games dedicated to peaee, excellence and the celebration of Hawaiian culture at the Bellows Beach Park. Free. Potluck. Sponsors include Hawaiian Civic Clubs, Royal Order of Kamehameha, U.S. Air Force and Marines, Bellows Air Force Base Command and the community. Kahu Ryan Kalama, 753-2190 or kalamar001@hawaii.rr.com. MAKAHIKI MAOLI FESTIVAL 2010 Sat, and Sun., Nov. 20- 21, 10 a.m.-i p.m. On Saturday, visit a special arts preview where island artisans share their wares at Kapi'olani Park Bandstand. Sunday let the games begin. Join in the Hawaiian festivities, Makahiki games, 'ono loeal and Hawaiian food, live Hawaiian entertainment, mueh more. Funded in part by OHA. Free. Presented by Kōmike Makua o Pūnana Leo o Honolulu. 841-6655, makahikimaoli@gmail.com or find them on Facebook. KUALOA MAKAHIKI NUI Fri.-Sun., Dec. 10-12 Families are weleome to eamp over Friday night at Kualoa Regional Park to cheer on their kāne in Saturday's competitions. Festivities eommenee on the shore at dawn with games for men 16 and older starting at 9 a.m. Take pleasure in the dinner and awards that evening followed by kani ka pila and lomilomi in this joint event by Umi Kai, Hale Mua Kualii and Aha Kane. Contact Umi Kai at 840-55 10 or ulupono 1 @gmail.com.
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