Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2010 — Kau Inoa marches on [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Kau Inoa marches on
With the first 27 signatures on Jan. 17, 2004 - 111 years after the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom - we witnessed the birth of Kau Inoa. Its mission has been to register people of Hawaiian ancestry worldwide who are willing to participate in the process of shaping a Hawaiian goveming entity. "We gather together to refocus, renew and reaffirm our commitment to Native Hawaiian self-determination," OHA Chairperson Haunani Apoliona said then, speaking to a large gathering outside Ali'iōlani Hale, the legislative seat of the former Hawaiian Kingdom. Participants in the signing ceremony included Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona, OHA Trustees, retired Judge Walter Heen, who is now an OHA Trustee, state Rep. Ezra Kanoho, Kamehameha Schools CEO Dee Jay Mailer, Corbett Kalama of First Hawaiian Bank, and kūpuna Aunty Mālia Craver andAunty Genoa Keawe. The goal of Kau Inoa organizers was to eompile at least 100,000 signatures. As of Oct. 15, 2010, just six years after its birth, Kau Inoa has received 109,175 signatures. — Zach Villamm>a M