Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 11, 1 November 2010 — A lifetime of dedication [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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A lifetime of dedication

By Howard Dashefsky

Eighty-four years and counting. That's how long the trio of Gwen Valbuena, Thehna Shimaoka and Ruby McDonald has spent serving the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the people it serves. And together, they say there hasn't been a single wasted day, regardless of what happens. "It's not a happy day every day," said McDonald, who works in OHA's West Hawai'i Community Outreach Office. "We have our ups and downs, and there are always challenges. But when we ean help someone it feels great. That's when I feel a wonderful sense of accomphshment." That sense of accomplishment is what keeps all three of OHA's longest-serving employees coming backformore. For Shimaoka, a Community Outreach Coordinator on Maui, it's all about being on the receiving end of a smile. Especially when it's one she played a role in creating. "One of my most fulfilling moments was when a grandchild called and asked if we ean help her tūtū who had been without teeth for several years," said Shimaoka. "Doing the legwork to find the resources in the community, and finally getting the good news from them that they ean help our beneficiaries is one of most the fulfilhng things about my job. Then when Tūtū comes in to thank you personally, and smiles without covering her mouth because she's no longer ashamed. That is the greatest fulfilhnent." For Valbuena, an Accounting Assistant III on O'ahu, there are many stressful days. But she finds her joy in knowing she's part of the process that puts funding into the hands of the organizations that help Hawahan people and communities. She also takes pride in what she has learned. "The most memorable event for me is the Investiture, whieh happens every two years after election," said Valbuena. "For me, this started when Mr. Kamaki Kanahele was the Adnhnistrator. It was during this time that I learned about the culture and protocol." Although they wouldn't ever dream of changing course, none of the three women ever imagined spending so many years with OH A.

Then again, they never imagined getting so mueh out of a career. "For me it's very simple," said Valbuena. "The reason I am still here is because I like what I do, and the staff is like my second 'ohana." Says McDonald: "I always feel good at the end of the day no matter what. We always try our best to provide infonnation or answers, even if it's not what the people want to hear. And for me, it's very emotional because I always think of the others I have worked with who are no longer here. They gave me so mueh, and I am still here because of the guidance and mentorship that left an imprint so deep I continue to carry on their mana'o as they shared it with me." ■



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