Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2010 — 2ND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT - U.S. RERESENTATIVE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


1. No response. 2. Although created to make amends to the descendants of people of the Kingdom of Hawai'i for United States

complicity in the overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani, the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act is unfair because it requires native Hawaiian blood, and does not include descendants of Kingdom citizens of other heritages. The creation of another government bureau will increase the burden on all taxpayers. I believe the U.S. promise of equal treatment by government is still the best vehicle to freedom for all.

1 . Improving the educational experience for Native Hawaiian children is critical. I will continue to meet with private partners like Kamehameha

Schools and public agencies like our State Department of Education to ensure that federal resources are directed to the places they will have the most positive impact. 2. 1 will work with the other members of our Hawai'i delegation to ensure adequate federal resources to hnplement the new law, particularly to enable the federal government to meet its obligations under the new law.

1.Native Hawaiians must recognize that one-party representation in Hawai'i (and aligning solely with that party) serves no interests but those of self-serving

politicians. Though Democrats have controlled Congress since 2006 (and the presidency since 2008), issues important to Native Hawaiians have failed to be advanced. Native Hawaiians must reach out and educate Republican candidates in order to gain support on a multitude of issues including the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act. Only then will both parties live up to the promises and obligations they have made to the Native Hawaiian community. I pledge to be active in the process. 2. No response.