Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2010 — 1ST CONGRESSIOI\IAL DISTRICT - U.S. RERESENTATIVE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


1 . Promoting private-sector jobs, supporting affordable housing and securing recognition are the most important actions to be taken at the federal level to heb Native

Hawaiians. » We must provide tools to help the unemployed find work. Job seekers need the latest training to be competitive, and small businesses need tax credits and certainty to encourage hiring. » I am actively working with my colleagues to reauthorize the Hawaiian Homeownership Opportunity Act, H.R. 709. 2. Hawai'i's Congressional delegation must work together to ensure Native Hawaiians are well represented.

1. The No. 1 issue is self-detenni-nation. Federal I recognition is an important first step in supporting selfdetennination, but it is not the whole answer.

We all should recognize that this will be a process, and I will work to maintain continued federal support throughout that process. 2. A significant part of ensuring the long-tenn viability of the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act will be developing and maintaining relationships in Congress. For that reason, it is vital that members of the Hawai'i delegation have other members of Congress that they ean work with to encourage widespread support from other delegations.