Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2010 — MĀKEKE THE MARKETPLACE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Type or clearly write your ael of 1 75 orfewer characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail payment to: Office of Hawaiian Affairs at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Honolulu, Hl 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA. Submissions received bythe 15th ofthe month will appear in next month's edition.

AAA Kapolei East II "Undivided lnterest" lease asking $30,000. West Oahu Realty, ine. Wilhelm JK Bailey® 808.228.9236 EmaiL RealEstate@ WJKBailey.com Web: http://www.wil-helm-jk-bailey.com/ AAA Kona-Lai 0 Pua 2Bd/lBa Garage, Solar, Rockwall, Landscape, Oeean view at $199,900. West Oahu Realty, ine. Wilhelm JK Bailey® 808.228.9236 Emaih RealEstate@WJKBailey.com Web: http:// www.wilhelm-jk-bailey.com/ BIG ISLAND: DHHL Keaukaha-near oeean 1 acre w/1600sf hm. 2 bd/2ba, large rec rm lower level ean be master bdrm. Asking $150K/OBO. Oall Lei (808) 935-8623 or (808) 895-1612. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), with Graham Realty, ine. years of experience with DHHL properties and general real estate, on all islands. (808) 545-5099 (808) 221-6570, email habuchal@ aol.com Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (REALT0R) Specialized in Hawaiian Home Lands Properties. (Fee Simple also) WWW. CharmaineQuilitPoki.Com (808) 2954474 Century 21 Realty Specialists. ŪHHL LAI0PUA H0MESTEAD L0TS: 10 vacant lots are reserved for "ownerbuilder" format. Will build a home of your ehoiee, applying "sweat equity", where applieahle, at an affordable price. Call 895-2919. DHHL LEASEH0LD H0ME in Laiopua, Kailua-Kona. 4 bedrooms 2 baths large home with oeean views. Asking $275K. Call Rose Delfin Realtor 808-640-6179 Prudential Orchid lsle Prop. DIABETIC, 0VERWEIGHT? I lost 35lbs., 5 wks. Off insulin, diabetes, cholest., BP meds. Fast, safe, phys. recomm. Johnny Kai www.ohanawellness.tsfl. eom (971) 533-6881 ohanawellness@ msn.com. For sale 5.8 acres in Pu'ukapu Waimea Fully Fenced and Landscapped with l-bedroom, l-bath home and beautiful views of mauna kea $250,000 firm. Must beDHHLAppr. 808-217-3475.

Home Loans Specialist - Purchase or Refinance. Conventional/USDA/VA/FHA/ Hawaiian Homes. Free Consultation. Kea Stant Platinum Mortgage. 0ffice:808-792-7630 Cell:808-285-5552 HO'OLEHUA, 5 AC/AG, 212, hydroponic nursery, ehill bx, all equip inel. new price. DHHL lease Graham Realty ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808 221-6570. Hawaiian Home Lands, Kailua-Kona, Owner built, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1056 sq.ft,TMK3-7-4-23-15/MLS 238045, $245,000, Karin Johnson, Realtor (S), 808-960-4105. Kamuela 305 acres Pasture lot $610,000 Mana Rd. eall for more details, photos on WWW.CharmaineQuilitPoki.Com Century 21 Realty Specialists (808)295-4474. KANAKA MA0LI FLAGS AND T-SHIRTS, decals, stickers, T-shirts for every island; sizes from S to XXXL, $17 (S,M,L) and $21 (XL,XXL,XXXL). www. kanakamaolipower.org or 808-332-5220. KUNIA RESTRICTED AG-1 L0TS $40,00060,000/acre 5 acre min. ownership. FS Perfect for ranch, horses, farming. No house allowed. Ken Gines R Century 21 All lslands 808-389-0489. Kaua'i: Pi'ilani Mai Ke Kai Undivided lnterest. Need buyer "Ready-Will-ing-Able" to purchase lease. (808) 262-8657. LALAMILO - West new upgraded 4/2, Model 2 home, fenced yard, PUUPU-

LEHU 1 res lot Left new price. DHHL Leases Graham Realty ine, Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808 221-6570. Nānākuli-Princess Kahanu Estates Corner lot approx. 5,971 sq. ft.5 bdrm/ 2.5 baths with CMU wall $370,000. Laiopua-Kona $25,000 Charmaine I.Quilit Poki(R) (808) 295-4474 0HANA AND INDIVIDUALS NEEŪEŪ to provide tem porary, safe and loving homes for keiki in foster care. For more information, eall (808-595-6320) or Email: ko@pidfoundation.org. WAIEHU K0U, Maui, 2 story, 4/2.5 home for sale, 2 years old, still brand new. Must qualify with DHHL, $350,000, ph (808) 870-6135. Will trade 21,560sf Keaukaha houselot with hookup for water/sewer/electricity for Kapolei lot 0R sell for $30K, will work with buyer. Call Bryan at 7329751. Waimānalo Corner lot $300,000/ Na naku li-Mokiawe:3/2 $325,000/ Hoolehua-Molokai 3/2 $185,000/ Kalamaula-Molokai lacre lot $25,000 Charmaine I.Quilit Poki(R)(808)2954474. WAIMĀNAL0 undivided interest, $85K WAI'ANAE 7/2/3 large home $280K; also 4/2/2 for $250K DHHL Leases, Graham Realty, ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) (808) 221-6570. WAIMEA - 5 ac/AG fenced, all utls. shed, in heart of town. LALAMILO East 4/2 upgraded. DHHL Leases, Graham

Realty ine, Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808 221-6570. WAIMEA - Pastoral 10 acres, fenced, 111, shed, new water lines soon - 20 Acres pastoral open -,DHHL Leases, Graham Realty, ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) (808)-221-6570. Waiohuli DHHL Maui-Plantation CUST0M Home, 3/2.5 baths. Views. 1-Acre level lot-LEASEHOLD (50% hawaiian to qualify with DHHL) Owner is active (licensed) realtorFOR pics elkpenn@hawaii.rr.com (808)291-6823. Waiohuli, Maui: 1 acre residential lot in Waiohuli, prime lot, great location, $60,000. Call 808-281-3430. Waiohuli, Maui undivided interest offered at $25K. Call 808-280-3216. WAI0HULI - Vacant lot must be readyto build, Unit I $25K -, undivided interest lease $45K. Graham Realty ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) 808 221-6570 Wanted: Molokai, Agri. Hoolehua. DHHL Qualified.J.K. P.O. Box 29147, Honolulu, Hawaii 96820. WANĪ T0 SWAP! BIG ISLAND, S0UTH P0INT: 25 acres pasture lot. Great for raising cattle and horses, 5 minutes from oeean, and 15 minutes from Na'alehu. Please eall 808-756-0975. WANĪ T0 SWAP Hawaiian Homeland Lease at Lai O'pua in Kona for a Hawaiian Homeland Lease in either Kauai or Maui. Please eall Charlene Fields eell (760) 521-8681.

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