Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2010 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

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FESTIVALS OF ALOHA, MAUI NUI STYLE The following October events sponsored in part by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs offer pageantry and parties for the entire family. Call 808-878-1888 to buy a $5 Festivals of Aloha Ribbon and get discounted admission to many events. www.Festivals OfAloha.com. MOLOKA'I FESTIVALS OF ALOHA Thurs.-Sat., Oct. 7-9 Moloka'i's Aloha Festivals begins Thursday with its Royal Court Investiture and Kupuna show He Mana 'o Aloha'ia - gaining knowledge through aloha, followed by an Honor the Prince and Princess Youth

Night on Friday and ho'olaule'a in Kaunakakai on Saturday with a parade, bed races, awards, eultural demonstrations and more. Free. 808-553-3356. FESTIVALS OF ALOHA WEEK IN HĀNA Sat.-Sat, 0ct. 16-23 Kicks off with wahine holo leo riders, floats, clowns and more at Hāna Ball Park with a celebration and parade for the entire town, including performances by Loekane Pryor and CJ Helekahi, from 11 a. m.-4 p.m. Highlights include Hāna Fishing Toumament and Play Day at 7 a.m. Sunday at Hāna Bay, and Movie Night on Wednesday, 5:30-10, and Hawaiiana Night on Friday, both in Hāna Ball Park. 808-248-8622.

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