Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2010 — HOʻOHUI ʻOHANA FAMILY REUNIONS [ARTICLE]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA. org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
ELDERTS/MAHOE - The Johannes Emil Elderts and Ke'ai Mahoe family is planning a family reunion in October 2010 in Hilo, Hawai'i. To receive information about the reunion, please provide mailing and/or e-mail addresses and telephone number(s) to Eauren "Paulette Elderts" Russell at eldertsohana@hotmail.com or eall her at 808-285-4124. ENOMOTO/PO'AI - The 'ohana of Ichisaburo Nakata (aka) Masaji Enomoto and Annie Keoho Po'ai will hold a reunion at Hale Nanea in Kahului, Maui, on Oct. 23-24, 2010. The 'ohana include all descendants of their children: Rose Tamako Enomoto who married Henry Pyang Sing Yap, David Clement Kiyohiko Enomoto who married Mary Keapuokeapuwailana Kamaka, Gulstan Napoleon Toshisuke Enomoto who married Annie Eeighton MeNieoll, Rudolph Steven Takasuke Enomoto who died at age 7, Eva Eouise Kameko Enomoto who married Waldemar Paul Palaualelo Muller, and Cecilia Mitsuko Enomoto who married Walter Newell Eandford Soulē. For informahon, contact Eawrence Enomoto on O'ahu, 685-1521 or lawrence.enomoto@gmail.com, or Marion Muller on Maui, 244-3522 or marionmuller@hawaiiantel.net. HANAMAIKAI/MAHIAI - We are having our lst Family Reunion on Oct. 7, 8 and 9, 2010, at the Eahaina Civic Center in Eahaina, Maui. This Reunion is in honor of the late Keaka Jack Hanamaikai(K) and Haukinui Mahiai(W) and their children, who were: Rebecca Mahiai Hanamaikai (married Francisco J Nobriga), Elena Hanamaikai (married Ku Isaia/Isay and Eiu Keno/Kona Kahakauila), Ruth Hanamaikai (married Albert Wilson), Harry Hanamaikai (married Agnes Wahineia Hoopii Kamalani), John Hanamaikai (married Malei Palu Kekahuna), Keaka Jack Hanamaikai Jr. (married Hattie Konoho), Rachel Hanamaikai (married Charles Manua and William Paele, lived in Kaulapapa) and Mary Hanamaikai (married Makalo Kamaka). If you are a descendant of the above families, email Sally at mzpinckney@hotmail. eom or eall 912-442-0248 for genealogy informaīion. Contact Reunion Organizer Julia Apolo, 571 Upper Kimo Drive, Kula, HI 96790, phone 808-214-6235. Please plan and eome meet your relatives. We will look forward to seeing you, and to make this Family Reunion a success! KANUHA/NAHE'EHOLUA/MALULU/ KUMAAIKU/KEOKI/HULIMAI/ KEKUMAKU/MAKAULI'I/KIKAHA/KAPA/ KAHALAU/MOKUAIKAI - We are planning and organizing a family reunion set for Nov. 11-14, 2010, in Kailua Kona. It's been decided and agreed by our Family Board of Committee, to have a three-day event to bring all the families together in fellowship and bonding and for many to reunite onee again. We look forward to meeting 'ohana for the first time. We are having monthly meetings for planning and coordinating activities. This reunion is being put together by many cousins and siblings here in Kona, but we encourage all families' support to make this a success. For details, email Colbert Kaimiola at ckaimiolal@hawaii.rr.com and Eouella Branco at lbranco@hawaii.rr.com. Our last reunion was held more than seven years ago, so it is definitely time to onee again bring all families together. KAUAUA - The 'ohana Kauaua is having a fam-
ily reunion Sept. 18 and 19, 2010, at the Teen Center in Waimānalo, O'ahu. The family names are Kauaua and Kauaiokalani. Children are: Apuakahei (w) and Keaumiki (w); Kamaka (w) and John Kamakee Kuhaulua; Puupuu (k) and Kalino Kailipoaiau; Papai (w) and Job Piena; Moeloa (w) and Maīaio Kaivi. Call Doreen at 754-6149 or Jim or Don at 523-1048. LINDSEY/MAHIKULANI - A family reunion is planned for the weekend of 17-19 Sept. 2010, for the descendants of progenitors James F. Eindsey Sr. and Mahikulani P. Hookuanui. Names of their six children/spouses to be represented at the reunion are: 1) Emma K. Eindsey/ Harry K. Purdy Sr. 2) Mary F. Eindsey/ Thomas D. Kaanaana/ Solomon K. Eo/ Anīone A.G. Correa. 3) Maymie M.C. Eindsey/ Pio H. Kamalo/ Kaimi J. Kalaualii/ Henry K. Levi. 4) Helen F.K. Lindsey/ William K. Notley/ James K. Parker. 5) James F. Lindsey Jr./ Silvana Rodrigues de Quintal. 6) Euniee F.K. Lindsey/ Edward H. Hea. Your kōkua in the planning, spearheading activities, donations and/or other kōkua is very mueh appreciated. Submit current postal address, phone and e-mail address to receive reunion information and forms by contacting: Rae at (808) 8857501, raelindsey@aol.com; or Sweetheart at kimopelinzreunion@gmail.com; or Kiki Kihoi at (808) 885-5390, Lindsey/Mahikulani Reunion, P.O. Box 343, Waimea-Kamuela, HI 96743. MOSSMAN - The Mossman 'Ohana will be holding a family reunion Nov. 10, 11 and 12, 2010, in Honolulu. We invite the descendants and extended family of Capt. Thomas James Mossman and his children: Thomas, William, Elizabeth, Alfred, Fred and Amy to join with us at any and all of the scheduled events. Send your e-mails or phone numbers to Ginny Wright at gwright@acechawaii.org, 808-741-4772 or Boyd Mossman at boydpm@earthlink.net, 808-244-2121. NEDDLES-GILMAN - This year will be the 53rd 'ohana reunion of Rose Ma'iki Gilman and we would like to honor her great-grandfa-ther, his wives and her brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, nephews, nieces and cousins. The reunion will be held Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3-6, 2010. Contact Johnette Aipa-Germano, 808-673-6757. Find out more at neddles-gilman-oha na.blogspot.com. ZABLAN - Hui O Zablan Reunion Luneheon willbeSaturday, 6Nov 2010, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Tree Tops Restaurant at Paradise Park in Mānoa. Information Sheets for Volume 11 of our Hui O Zablan Family Book are due. If you have lost your form or forgot to mail in your pictures, eontact Susan Victor at 988-1272. For events questions, eall Auntie Leatrice at 734-4779. ADRIC - Alfred Joseph Adric and Eva Lehua Apina Adric Kahale, (born Dec. 18, 1895, in Wailuku, Maui). The date is set for our fourth Adric 'Ohana reunion in Las Vegas, Nevada, June 8-13, 2011. We eonīinue to search for family members related to Eva, whieh include the late Arthur Makolo of Papakōlea, William Ida Makolo of Papakōlea, Manuel Flores (Ahoy) of 'Ālewa Heights, Red and Maoni Marrotte, John and Abbie Watkins, Annie and Ernest Kia Naeole of Lahaina, Maui. The eight children of Joseph
and Eva Adric include Adele Wills, Elizabeth Miyamasu, Valentine (Bobo) Adric, Alfred Adric, Eleanor Eli, Douglas Adric, Alexander Herman Adric, and Margaret (Nita) Markham. Pamilies are encouraged to contact mahiegarza@ hotmail.com or eall 808-478-4928. Our kūpuna have passed the torch to the next generation to bring all our families together. 'Ohana will get to meet those who we have not met and reunite with those we have. Also eheek out Pacebook, ADRICOHANA@yahoo.com. LYMAN - Aloha 'ohana! We would love to have a Lyman 'Ohana reunion next Memorial Day weekend, May 27-30, 201 1, in Hilo. Please email Mike Hikalea Jr. at mikeyhikalea@yahoo.com. We need as mueh help as possible for this has long been overdue. HOOLAPA - Searching for my husband's Hawaiian roots. His grandmother was Aliee Kapiolani Hoolapa, who died in 1992. Her parents were Albert Kuukia Hoolapa and Mary Lomela Kaaihue. They had five children: Mabel, Maryann, Aliee, William and Albert Jr. Any information would be appreciated! Contact erin browne2004@yahoo.com. KA 'OHANA O KALAUPAPA has records and resources that could provide you with information about any ancestors you might have had at Kalaupapa. Contact us by e-mail (info@kalaupapaohana.org), mail (Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa, P.O. Box 1111, Kalaupapa, HI 96742) or phone (Coordinator Valerie Monson at 808-573-2746). There is no charge for our research. All descendants are also weleome to become part of Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa. LIND - I would like to meet other descendants of four brothers and one sister born 1830s-40s in Kaupō or Hāna, Maui. Kahimanapookalani (1) died 1881 Hāna, married Mauae, sons used surname Kopa. Kahooilimoku (k) died 1890 Kalaupapa, married Heleualai, owned land Kawaipapa, Hāna, 'awa grower; Kaawalauole (k) moved from Hāna to Niolopa, Jack Lane, Nu'uanu, Honolulu; Nawawaeha (k) information unknown; Sister's name unknown, married Kauuku; d. 1892 Wyllie St., Honolulu. Parents: Kapu (k) and Kaia (w) traditionally from Ka'ū and Kona families. Contact Helen Y. Lind, 934 Kealaolu Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816. NAMOHALA/CHING/YUEN - 'Ohana descended from Kalanikau, Duk Pui, Kalohelani and Nim of Ni'ihau and Hanapēpē are invited to contact Leilehua Yuen at yuenleilehua@yahoo. eom to share genealogical information and family stories, and to be on the contact list for family reunions. POEPOE - My name is Lee and I'm looking for my biological father and his family. I was adopted when I was born in 1971. My biologieal mother went to Hawai'i for vacation with her family. All she will tell me is my father's name, "Blue boy" Poepoe. He was from the island of Moloka'i. If any one has any information that might help me, please email me at leemowalton@yahoo.com. I'm interested in my family history and anything more that might eome of it. ■