Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2010 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MiWaiOla Clyde W. Hāmu'o Chief Executive Officer Stanton K. Enomoto Chief Operating Officer COMMUNITY RELATIONS Denise lseri-Matsubara Community Relations Director COMMUNICATIONS Ed Nishioka Communications Manager Lisa Asato Communioations Speoialist John Matsuzaki Communioations Speoialist Nelson Gaspar Communioations Speoialist Francine Murray Communioations Speoialist Charles Ogata Volunteer MEDIA RELATIONS & MESSAGING Lloyd Yonenaka Media Relations & Messaging Manager Jennifer Armstrong Puhlio Relations Speoialist EMAIL/WEBSITES kwo®0HA.org | www.0HA.org www.oha.org/kawaiola www.oha.org/kawaiola/loa/ www.NativeHawaiians.com www.twitter.oom twitter®oha_hawaii U www.faoebook.Gom searoh: Oīīiee of Hawaiian Affairs