Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2010 — Leading with a quiet dignity [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Leading with a quiet dignity

Corbett Kalama helps manage 2 of Hawai'i's most powerful organizations

Lisa Asato KaWai Ola Although he wears more hats, and has eamed more titles that most people could ever hnagine, Corbett Kalama begins eaeh moming in similar fashion: a paddling session in the waters off Kailua, followed by a shnple question, to himself. "Every day I look in the mirror and wonder if I'm doing my best," says Kalama. "Is there is something else I should be doing?" An executive Vice President with First Hawaiian Bank and Trustee for Kamehameha Schools, Kalama helps oversee two of the most powerful organizations in the state. But he never loses sight of those he truly serves and those he says shape his core values - the underprivileged. "My father always taught us to be humhle, to not judge others," he says. The seventh of 1 1 children, Kalama admits he grew up unaware of the strengths, values and vibrancy of the many cultures that surrounded him. What he does recall, however, is growing up in a safe environment. And being part of a family rich in Hawaiian culture. "My mo ther was a kumu hula who always had incredible people coming by the house to dance and play music. People who are considered legends today. But back then it was just friends coming over," says Kalama. "My father was a Renaissance man who could build anything, who taught us to dream." But Kalama says the most important lesson his father passed down was the need to share and to treat others, especially those less well-off, with respect. "You put that all together, then you fast forward in life and you're thrust into a situation and you wonder, Is this allreal," says Kalama. "But then you reahze it's all those past experiences dating back to your youth that allow you to be where you're at." Today, Kalama has a ehanee to embrace those childhood experiences, and pay it forward. "The key is to get involved in the eomniu-

nity no matter what path you choose and never lose sight of that," says Kalama. "Because the objective you set forth isn't about you; it's about serving something mueh bigger. It sounds kind of corny, but it's real." In addition to his father, Kalama says he is lucky to follow in the footsteps of a strong group of leaders at First Hawaiian Bank - three men who he says shared a deep conuiiitment to the mission of the bank and the people it served. "You had lohn Bellinger, who grew up here. Walter Dods, who grew up in a Quonset hut, who's never stopped giving to the conununity and Don Homer now. These men understood that through serving people and getting involved in the community you ean be successful in whatever aspiration you choose." Today Kalama finds himself being able to give back on several fronts. In addition to his position with the bank and Kamehameha Schools, he heads up the Friends Of Hawai'i Charities, an organization that has generated more than $10 million in needed funding for nonprofits that benefit women, children and the needy. And his full plate is only growing more full. Kalama is also now serving on the host eommittee for the upcoming Asia Pacific Eeonomie Cooperation, or APEC, meetings in Honolulu XI KALAMA ON PAGE 19

"Every day I look in ihe mirror and wonder if l'm doing my best,"says Corbett Kalama. - Photo: Plaine Fergerstrom


Continued from page 18 next November. As head of the cultural committee, he now has a ehanee to showcase Hawai'i to the world. "APEC is huge for Hawai'i. There will be more than 20 heads of state coming here and there is anxiety, but in a good way," says Kalama. "There are people that want to be a part of it, others that don't, and there is some conflict. But it's our responsibility to present Hawai 'i in the best manner possible before the eyes of the world. Everyone is pulling together. We'll get it done, and Hawai'i will be done proud." ■