Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 8, 1 August 2010 — Hooikoiko seeks mentors, those in need [ARTICLE]
Hooikoiko seeks mentors, those in need
The Hooikaika Peer Mentoring Project is seeking adults with traumatic brain inj ury who are interested in being mentored or becoming a mentor. Traumatic brain injury is a condition that affects more than 8,000 Hawai'i residents a year, according the state Department of Health. Traumatic brain injury ean happen in an instant, from a fall, car crash or any injury to the head. The effects, whieh include memory loss, confusion and difficulty conununicating, ean last a lifetime. Hooikaika mentors provide guidanee and support to peers recovering from brain injury. Additional leaming opportunities are available during weekly group meetings. To join the project or leam more about traumatic brain injury, eall 592-5907, email hooikaika@gmail.com or visit www.tinyurl.com/tbimentoring.