Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 8, 1 August 2010 — Free mohile eye- screening to visit IHS [ARTICLE]
Free mohile eyescreening to visit IHS
Project Vision will be providing free vision screening, retinal photos and other services at the Institute for Human Services Lamily Shelter at 546 Ka'aahi St. in Honolulu from4 to 8 p.m. on Aug. 14. Doctors will be on hand and IHS will conducting blood-pressure and blood-glucose readings. The day will promote education about general and eye heahh. OHA is a funder of Proj ect Vision through the Hawai'i Vision Project Loundation. Project Vision is a nonprofit mohilescreening program that provides free retinal scans to underserved populations. Lor information, eall 955-0255.