Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2010 — Hawaiʻi lsland Diabetes Conference slated for Sept. 2 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hawaiʻi lsland Diabetes Conference slated for Sept. 2
The 'Akaka Falls Lions Club will sponsor a diabetes educational eonference Sept. 4 at Hilo High School to educate Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders and other Hawai'i Island residents about the inherent risks of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and the various preventive measures to help people live healthier, happier and more productive lives. Speakers will include an endocrinologist, podiatrist, certified diabetes educator and dentist. There will also be a cooking demonstration by a weekly food columnist and free heahh screenings. Because diabetes is a selfmanaged disease that requires individuals to take responsibility for their day-to-day care, organizers expect attendees to leave the eonference empowered to make wiser decisions about lifestyle choices. In Hawai'i, 3,700 type 2 cases occur eaeh year among youths under 20. The average age of a Native Hawaiian being diagnosed with diabetes is 42.9 years of age, the youngest of all minority groups in the state. Native Hawaiians also have the highest diabetes mortality rate of any ethnic group in the state: 47 deaths per 100,000 population, compared to seven for whites, 19 for Japanese, 22 for Filipino and 32 for others. For conference information, visit
www.hawaiilions.org and eliek on Diabetes Awareness in the left-hand eolumn. Or, eall Traey Aruga at 808-933-0548.
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The men of Pa Ku'i A Holo at Kualoa Ranch with "Warriors" host Terry Schappert, in 2009. The group, whieh was featured on the TV series, will be holding puhlie workshops in August. - Photo: Courtesy of High Hoon Entertainment