Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2010 — EVICTION PENDING FOR HAKIPUʻU [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
The puhlie charter school Hakipu'u Learning Center (HLC) received an eviction notice in the first week on July. "If she's (state Health Director Chiyome Fukino) going to evict us, we're going to be thrown to the streets because we have no other plaee to go," said Kala Hoe, chairman of the Hakipu'u school board in Kāne'ohe. With about 80 students enrolled in grades 7 to 12, the school year is scheduled to start at the end of July right when the nohee to vacate the
premises says to be out. The Department of Health has plans to build a much-needed nursing facility on the state-owned hospital grounds where the 9-year-old puhlie school is currently located. Fukino said the department is excited about the project. "It affords us an opportunity to move patients who, but for the fact that there is no skilled nursing facility, are confined in the hospital," she told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Space has been offered to HLC in front of Windward Community College. However, building costs are estimated at $2.2 million and the school has only $75,000. Although the school has been to several organizations for hnaneial assistance, relocating is expected to take mueh longer than the few weeks provided. As of press time, the school was to face eviction July 31. ■
Hakipu'u Learning Centerstudents read tne eviction noliee from ttie state Department of Healtti. - Photo: Courtesy ofHakipu'u Learning Center