Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 2010 — Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MsKailapono H jennb Become a "fan" on Facebook _,,. by searching Office of OHA now has more than ■-,> H ,, .z . , . , _ . , _, Hawanan Affairs! 200 fans and ■ 1 over 100 Twitter followers. lV ^ H*" M 9:35 AM Jun 17th from TweetDeck :47 PM Jun 21 st ^ H \pa^waiokeola kanaka808 Connectwithusinrealtime - ■ Follow us on Twitter andfindoutthelatestand under @oha_hawaii. :) greatest news from our orga- 12:46 PM June 1st from iPhone nization and our partners in _ B the community. ft ^oVVo>NTve\ IO Twitter: www.twitter.com 'v- ---''' !*j f* »jtJ