Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 28, Number 7, 1 July 2010 — Malys honored for preservation efforts on Lānaʻi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Malys honored for preservation efforts on Lānaʻi

On April 22nd the Historic Hawai'i Foundation hosted its 36th annual Preservation Honor Awards at the Bishop Museum. This year's group of honorees included Lāna'i's own Kepa and Onaona Maly. They were recognized for helping bring to "fruition the long-held dream of a central plaee on Lāna'i to eollect, preserve and interpret the vestiges of Lāna'i's past and to perpetuate the culture of the island."

The Historic Preservation Commendation award is the first of its kind for any Lāna'i resident or organization. Preservation Commendations are awarded "to an individual, organization or government agency that engaged in an advocacy, educational, programmatic or other activity supporting preservation efforts, either for a specific site or through a broad-based program." The Malys were awarded for their efforts in the development and opening of the Lāna'i Culture & Heritage Center and the dedication of the Kapihaa Preservation Area Interpretive Trail on Jan. 16, 2010. The Lāna'i CHC programs were commended for "providing a compelling example of how historic preservation initiatives ean positively impact the outlook of an entire community." The Lāna'i CHC seeks to collect, document and share the history of Lāna'i with residents and visitors. The center includes artifacts of Hawaiian origin collected through archaeological investigations and found by plantation employees over the years while working the fields with plow and hoe. Historical plantation-era documents and family memorabilia have also been donated to the Lāna'i CHC. These combined collections represent the eultural diversity of the island and enahle us to share of Lāna'i's history - remembering those people who have eome before us, and upon whose successes we stand. Despite struggles with heahh issues and the need to relocate to O'ahu, Kepa's role

as the Executive Director of the Lāna'i CHC was never far from his mind. The Malys' passion for the preservation is evident through their involvement in their community. After learning of the Malys' need to relocate to Honolulu for health-related matters, community members expressed eoneem for the continuity of the Lāna'i CHC. Fortunately, the Lāna'i CHC was given a donation by the Agape Foundation, whieh will allow the Malys to

continue management of the center from Honolulu. The Lāna'i CHC's web site announced that the Malys will continue working on program development, research and projects, by commuting monthly to Lāna'i during a transitional period. The vision is to develop capacity among younger members of our eommunity who will heeome the stewards of their history and the Lāna'i CHC. The important work of collecting artifacts and historic items and providing educational/interpretive programs to residents and guests will eonhnue through the support of the Agape Foundation and eommunity members. For information on volunteering at the heritage center or in field projects on Lāna'i, to donate historical resources to the eolleetions, or learn how you ean help further the mission of the Lāna'i CHC, please email info@lanaichc.org or eall 808-565-7177. If you are on the Intemet, you ean view the museum and selections from our archives by visiting www.lanaichc.org. ■

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Cūlette Y. Machade Trustee, Mūlūka'i and Lāna'i