Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 6, 1 Iune 2010 — Page 35 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HOEA ,;J Hawaiian *Qhana for Education in th Arts I Prcscnls n 20 10 Business of Art Workshops i 0 per\ to a)iyone fnterestsd in leamin^ abouī:financial literacy. I m a rke L i nsf s k i 1 1 s . po rtf ol f o a nd biog ra phy de pmen t from l| successfularti^tentrepreneurs, f|

Lihu'e, Kaua'i: Manoa, O'ahu:

Saturday, July 17,2010 1-4pm |U 5unday, Juty 18, 2010 1-4pm |I

Kahului, Mauf: Saturday, July 24, 2010 1-4pm I Kafamarula,MoJoka'i: S u n d ay, J u ty 25 , 20 1 0 1-4pm I The workshops are free, and seating is limiled. I Ca II ov emaii f 1 0f- A today to register I www.īnfo@khf-hoea.org I («08 J Bi3S-6S41 I J ! L} E 'lr\ is j pm)cirt r>F 1 h 1 ■ Keonuil.nil liun.īpi PoundjtioiiL hiinluii !iy tliif Adni.inistrjnoii II for N,iiive Ameneinn (ANA) onel tiie Ūffice oF Hi'iWiUKiii» Affiiirs (ŪMA) I


aL^. 1 Hl || !| ljP' Oneki "Decke^OuF' Moīiel 1000 A pprox. 1 ,000 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2 hath

Pikake "]asmine" M oiel 1680 A pprox. 1,680 square feet, 3 bedroom 2 bath with separate bonus "R ecreation R oom" and bath.