Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 6, 1 June 2010 — Aloha mai kākou, [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Aloha mai kākou,
We are on the brink of an exciting new era forNative Hawaiians, one that not only addresses past wrongs but also enables us to build a bright future by re-establishing self-determination and self-governance for Native Hawaiian people. The Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act (NHGRA) - whieh grants Native Hawaiians a process of federal recognition that many have longdesired and richly deserve - is up for hnal passage by the TJ.S. Congress. When passed and becomes law, this historic pieee of legislation - also called the ' Akaka Bill" named after Hawai'i TJ.S. Senator Daniel Akaka -provides a framework to reorganize a Native Hawaiian goveming entity, and upon official Federal recognition by the TJnited States, may negotiate for land, rights and resources to reconcile past wrongs. This entity will also help to perpetuate Hawaiian culture, whieh is
central to Native Hawaiians as a unique people. Perhaps most importantly, NHGRA will enahle Native Hawaiians to create a better future for themselves and their heirs. It will also benefit all of Hawai'i by finally bringing closure to an issue that has prevented our community from realizing its full potential. Onee NHGRA becomes law, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) will provide information and act as a liaison, facilitating an open, fair, democratic and inclusive process in whieh a Native Hawaiian governing entity will be reorganized - by, and for, Native Hawaiians. We encourage Native Hawaiians to get - and stay - involved at every step along the way. No matter at what level individuals may choose to participate - whether as an appointed Commissioner, candidate for Council or a committed member of the certified roll that plays an active role in the reorganization of the governing entity - we wani every Native Hawai-
ian to know that your participation matters At OHA, we are humbled and honored to help guide this monumenial task, and
will do our utmost to meet - and, I believe, exceed - the hopes and dreams of Native Hawaiians around the world. If we ean provide any information or answer any questions, please do not
hesitate to eall or email us at nhgra@oha.org or 1-808-594-0242. Or, please visit our website at www.oha. i
org, and www.nhgra.org specifically for Federal recognition updates. Me ka 'oia'i'o, Clyde W. Nāmu'o Chief Executive Officer
message from the CEO