Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 6, 1 June 2010 — Kalaupapo board to resume public meetings [ARTICLE]

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Kalaupapo board to resume public meetings

The Kalaupapa Advisory Commission has been re-established under the Obama administration and will resume conducting periodic public meetings, starting June 24, at 10:30 a.m. at McVeigh Social Hall in Kalaupapa. The public meetings are designed to promote awareness and understanding of the activities and issues affecting Kalaupapa. Commissioners provide feedback to the National Park Service to improve Kalaupapa park operations and planning efforts, such as a General Management Plan and Memorial Project currently under consideration to honor past and present Kalaupapa patients. The commission's original charter expired in 2005 but was recently reauthorized by the U.S. Interior Secretary. The Rev. David Kaupu resumes his 25-year post as the chairman of the commission along with six current patientresidents of Kalaupapa and three nonpatient commissioners from Hawai'i. For information, eall park Superintendent Steve Prokop at 808-567-6802.