Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 6, 1 June 2010 — Census workers going door-to-door [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Census workers going door-to-door

Ka Wai Ola staff

With about 635,000 U.S. Census Bureau workers going door-to-door through early July to follow up with about 48 million households who have not yet participated in the 2010 Census, the bureau wants to let people know what to expect if they get a visit, including how to protect themselves from being scammed. "Census takers will never ask to eome inside your home, solicit money or inquire about your Social Security or credit card information," the bureau advises in the online video How to Recognize a Census Taker.

(See box for online address.) The bureau encourages cooperation with the census takers, saying, "They are your neighbors, people from your community hired by the

Census Bureau to get a compete and accurate count of our eountry." "All census takers carry an official badge and a shoulder bag - both with the Department of Commerce seal - and a binder," according to the bureau's web site, 2010.census.gov. "During a visit, census takers will show ID and hand respondents an information sheet explaining that their answers are confidential. The census taker will complete the questionnaire, whieh should take about 10 minutes. If no one is home, a 'notice of visit' will be left at the door inviting the resident to eall the census taker to complete the form over the phone." ■

Here are some online resources to help you to know what to expect if a census worker visits your home:

How to recognize a census taker > Visit youtube.com and search for "How do I recognize a census taker?" What is a census taker? > http://2010.census. gov/20 10census/how/ census-taker.php What to do when a census taker visits you > http://2010.census. gov/20 10census/how/ preparing.php

Fraudulent activity and scams > http://2010.census. gov/20 10census/privacy/ fraudulent-activity-and-scams.php More security topics for your protection > http://2010.census. gov/20 10census/privacy/ more-security-topics.php Why it's importantz > http://2010.census. gov/2010census/ why/index.php

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Census in Hawai'i

All census fakers carry an official badge and shoulder bag - both with the Department of Commerce seal - and a binder. - Photo: Courtesy ofthe U.S. Census Bureau