Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 6, 1 Iune 2010 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Nānā ka maka ; hana ka lima. "Observe with the eyes; work with the hands" (Pukui, 2267) The purpose of this Hana Lima Scholarship is to give hnaneial assistance to students participating in a vocational or technical education program for occupations that ean provide a "living wage." Eligible programs include, but are not limited to, automotive teclinologv, medical assisting, massage therapy, cosmetology and CDL training. Preference is given to non-traditional students. As an applicant, you must meet the following criteria: • BeofNativeHawaiianancestry • Be a resident of the state of Hawai'i • Be enrolled at least halftime in a vocational degree or certification program (Associates Degree) for the Fall 2010 term in one of the educational institutions in Hawai'i listed on our application. jf y0U have any questions, please contact: ALU LIKE, ine. Hana Lima Scholarship (808) 535-6734 or n n n visit our website at http://www.alulike.org alu like ine Funding mode possible by the gracious contributions of Kamehameha Schools.