Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 5, 1 May 2010 — hoʻohui ʻohana family reunions [ARTICLE]
hoʻohui ʻohana family reunions
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
2,010 AH LEONG/KALAMA/ MOKULEHUA/KAUAHI The descendants of John Ah Leong (b: Feb. 1838) and Kalama (b: 1840 in South Kona) are planning an 'Ohana Reunion. The marriage of Ah Leong and Kalama produced seven children: Lulima; Juhana (m: Kepano Mokulehua in 1872); Josephine (m: Joseph Kauahi in 1887); Ben Ah Leong; Thomas Ah Leong (m: Mabel Pohina); Kekui and Kalua. No data on Lulima. Juhana and Kepano had eleven (1 1) children: Thomas (m: Mary Napua); Victor (m: Haniet); Ehzabeth (m: Hoolopa Keano); Juha (m: George Waialae); Moses (m: Catherine); John (m: K. Kaopuiki); Ella (m: Nicholas Zablan); Sabina; Juhano (m: Myrtle Smith); Annie; Victor (m: Victoria Kamahi). Josephine and Joseph Kauahi had six (6) children: Ana (m: Joseph Amorin); Peter (m: Hattie Apana); Margarita (m: Samuel Kehikuh); Francis (m: Ehzabeth Ah-Hoy); Joseph (m: Bemice Mahiai, Amy Oshiro, Emily Ah-You); Josephine (m: James Akima). No data on Ben Ah Leong. Thomas and Mabel had one son, Daniel. No data on Kekui and Kalua. For reunion information, email Kimo Kehi at kimo kehi@aol.com. C LAU D E/J O N ES Thedescendants of Wilham Claude and Ma'ema'e Jones and their extended family and friends will hold Ihe first Big Island Potluck Family Reunion on Saturday, July 17, 2010, at Wailoa State Park Pavihon #2A and #3 (Keiki), starting at 2 p.m. There will be a golf tournament in Ihe moming. We meet onee a monlh. Anyone wishing to kōkua may contact us: Laua'e (Karen) DeSilva at 966-6872, Keahi Halualani Kahiapo at 9347210 and/or Noelani Spencer at nspencer001@hawaii.rr.com. We will be sending out registration information via our Kaneohe Jones Committee. KAH AN AOI/POM Al KAI Reunion will be held Aug. 14, 2010, at Zablan Beach Park (next to Nānākuh Beach Park) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. It will be a potluck affair, with door prizes, Hawaiian entertainment and T-shirts, tank tops and long-sleeved shirts for sale. Call Jeanne Kahanaoi at 6962314 or 354-7365. KAHUNANUI/MAIHUI -We, Ihe descendants of Kekahunanui "Paul" Kahua Kahunanui and Ehzabeth Kaholokahiki Maihui of Nu'u Village, Kaupō, Maui, are planning a family reunion on Aug. 20, 2010, at Ihe Hannihal Tavares Pukalani Community Center and on Saturday, Aug. 21 we will meet at Kēōkea Park up Kula to go to Nu'u, Kaupō, Maui. We are also welcoming ALL 'ohana to join us in Ihe planning in our monthly meetings. We are still seeking 'ohana for 'ohana connections to strengthen our family liistoiy. If you have any informahon to share, contact Hairy Kahunanui, 808-878-1854; Boyd Mossman, 808-244-2121; Leiko Kahunanui Vierra, 808-214-6377; or Lokelau Kahunanui Faye, 808-573-0545. E ala ē! KA'IAWE/SIMEONA The descendants of Hemy Moses Ka'iawe (Ka'iewe) and Martha Maleka Kalaloa Simeona are planning an 'ohana reunion for 2010.
We are seeking information as to how many children Hemy and Martha's union produced. Currently Ihe data we have is on only one child (my Tūtūlady) named Lydia Ka'iawe, who manied three times to I. David Keawepoo Jr., II. George Tripp and III. Moses Kaiu. The marriage of Lydia and George produced six children: 1. George (m: Esther Pollett) had six children; 2. Lydia (m: Alexander Armitage) had 16 children; 3. Hemy (m: Ehzabeth Kahihikolo) had seven children; 4. Solomon (m: Mildred Cambra) had four children; 5. Annie (m: George Cambra) had one child; 6. Sarah (m: Hemmin Gaskin) had two ehildren. Contact Henry Ka'iawe Tripp Makanani at 808-781-2417 or email kw_tripp@yahoo.com for information about reunion planning. KALAMA - Descendants of John Kalama, who was bom in Kula, Maui, in Ihe year 1811, we invite you and your famihes to Ihe Kalama Family Reunion at the Warm Springs Indian Reservation on Friday and Saturday, June 25 and 26, 2010. The reunion will be on Ihe same weekend as our Annual Pi-Ume-Sha Pow-wow. There will be many activities happening around Ihe Warm Springs area: Indian dancing, many arts and crafts vendors, rodeo, horse racing, walk/runs, softball games and casino. We look forward to meeting everyone. For information, contact: Sara Scott, P.O. Box 1002, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Sara's work number is 541-553-1196, e-mail: sscott@wstribes.org. Also contact Brenda Kalama-Scott, P.O. Box 502, Warm Springs, OR 97761. KALEO - The descendants of James Makoleokalani Kaleo and Louisa Tilton originally of Hāna, Maui, are planning a family reunion on Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3-5, 2010, in Wailuku, Maui. James and Louisa had seven children: (1) Mary, ml Charley Ahue, m2 Wilham Logan; (2) Isaac, m Madahne C.; (3) Charles, ml Annie Kekuku, m2 May Hart; (4) Bessie, ml James Kalua, m2 Richard Pedro; (5) Thomas, ml Matilda Thompson, m2 Irene; (6) Florence, m William Ichinose; (7) Nancy, m Pedro Sado. For information, contact Louaine Adolpho, 808-244-0663; Douglas Sado, 808-242-9044; Frances Tokunaga, 808-264-3209; Keola Aguinaldo, hakino5949@yahoo.com; orWihiam Sabal, alohapaani@hotmail.com. KAOLOWI FROM LAUPĀHOEHOE, HAWAI'I - The descendants of Maiia Kaolowi Malani, Annie Kaolowi Palakiko, James Kaolowi, John Kaolowi and Johnny Kaolowi Richard. Family reunion Oct. 5-7, 2010, Sam's Town Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada. Contact 702-516-1867, 808-772-8251 or pii mahoe@aol.com. KAUAUA The 'ohana Kauaua is having a family reunion Sept. 18 and 19, 2010, at the Teen Center in Waimānalo, O'ahu. The family names are Kauaua and Kauaiokalani. Children are: Apukahei (w) and Keaumiki (w); Kamaka (w) and John Kamakee Kuhaulua; Puupuu (k) and Kahno Kailipoaiau; Papai (w) and Job Piena; Moeloa (w) and Mataio Kaivi. Call Doreen at 754-6149 or Jim or Don at 523-1048. KEANAAINA - Na Hoa Hanau
Mua o Keanaaina are planning a family reunion for Aug. 6-8, 2010. Descendants are Ihe 15 children of Wilham and Emily Keanaaina; Hattie Keanaaina, Alexander Kapanui, Wilham, Rose, Adele, Samuel, Maraea, John, Francis, Abraham, Luther, Amy, Phoehe, Matthew and Nomian Keanaaina. Reunion will take plaee at Maka'eo, Noilh Kona, Hawai'i. Contact Ruby Keanaaina-McDonald at sourpoil @ aol.com or 808-987-5160 and/or Cissy Romero at wersistersl9@ hotmail.com or 808-355-8994. KIA LAIOHA -Thedescendants of Hatfie Kanani Kia Laioha, who was married to John Keawemauhih and Chun Chang Woon, are invited to a family reunion at Tree Tops Restaurant in Mānoa on Saturday, July 24, 2010, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. For information, eontact Glenn Chung at 295-5132 or Marilyn Robello at 847-3047 or email gkchawaii@gmail.com. MILLS - We have set Ihe date for our family reunion June 25 and 26, 2010, in Kona, and would hke to invite Ihe family of the descendants of Wilham Clarke Mills, the descendants of William Clark Mills and Hairy Thomas Mills and Ihe descendants of Thomas Clark Mills (Neweomh), Hannah Mills, Wilham (Wilhe) Mills, Joseph Clark Mills, to join us in this celebration. If you have any information of Ihe family and would like to share that wilh us, contact La Vanda Salas at 808-964-5700 or email lava nda70@msn.com. Or contact cousin Lloyd Mills at 808-896-2311 or email holomua@hawaiiantel.net. NEDDLES-GILMAN This year wih be tlie 53rd 'ohana reunion of Rose Ma'iki Gilman and we would like to honor her greatgrandfather, his wives and her brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, nephews, nieces and cousins. The wives of John Neddles Anthony ChuChu Gilman and his children; (1) Louisa Pi'ilani Po'okui, four ehildren - Maiy Neddles (m James Duncan), Louisa (ml Ahung/Ahana, one child; m2 Arthur P. Brickwood, seven children), E.A.C. Neddles and A.C. Neddles, both died young. (2) Haniet Kapu Kawahaea, five children - Joseph Neddles Gilman (ml Maiy Kanoena; m2 Maiiah Makaimoku, two children), John K. Neddles Gilman (m Kahaleole), James Neddles Gilman (m Kauha Ulumaheihei Wahineaea, seven ehildren), Haniet Kapu Neddles Gilman (m George W.C. Jones, 12 children), Anthony Neddles Gilman (ml Lilian Kaina, one child; m2 Emma Wood, two children; m3 Wahine; m4 Isabel Kahale Gardner, five children.) Contact Johnette Aipa-Germano, 808-673-6757; Joe Aipa, 808-382-4142; Rose Aipa-Derego, 808-772-1984; Toni Aipa-Toetu'u, 808-306-9183; orDioneAipa, 808-256-4135. Find out more at neddles-gilman-ohana.blogspot.com. PUKAHI - The descendants of Kahana and Kaloi Pukahi will be holding a reunion on May 31, 2010, at Kakela Beach Park in Hau'ula, O'ahu, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, contact Luana Solomon at 808-780-5146 or XLD_ SOLOMON@ YAHOO.COM. 2011 AKAN A/KAAI KALA/ KANOE - We are planning and organizing a family reunion set for
July 8-10, 2011. It's been decided and agreed by our Family Board of Committee to have a threeday event to bring all Ihe famihes together in fellowship and bonding and to reunite everyone onee again. We will be having monthly meetings through Apiil 2011 for planning and coordinating. Next year's family reunion will be put together by Ihe third and fourth generations of cousins and siblings. But we encourage all families' support to make this happen. For details on Ihe above-mentioned names, contact me via e-mail at skking060703@ yahoo.com or phone at 808-499-3199. 1 am Ihe Chairperson of our seven-member Family Board of Committee 2009-2011 and fivemember Genealogy Committee. Our last family reunion was held more Ihan 10 years ago, according to our family elders. They have passed Ihe torch and light to our generations to get things started and organize a reunion to bring all Ihe families together. The importance is 'ohana and getting to meet those we haven't met and reuniting wilh those we have. KEKA/KAHAPEA/AKAU/ WAIALEALE - I am researching and tiying to connect wilh Ihe descendants of my great-great grandmother Christina (Kihkina) Kaanapu Keka (b: 1865) from Kona, Big Island. Based on various genealogy facts, Kihkina was married several times: lst m: Akiona Chang and had a daughter, Sarah Chang (b: 1885), who was given to Kihkina's brother William Keka to raise. Wihiam was a cowboy on Frank Greenwell's ranch and changed Sarah's name to Koleta Kamaka. Koleta manied Levi Kepoo Pi and had one son, George Kepoo Pi (b: 1916). When Levi died, Koleta married Joseph Kahapea and changed George Kepoo Pi's name to George Kahapea; Koleta had a son from Joseph, Daniel Kahapea; 2nd m: Adao Tom and had a son, Joseph Akau (b: 1896), who married Ehzabeth Holualoa and had 10 children. My grandmother Sarah Kihkina Akau (b: 1917) is one of Ihe 10 children. Grandma conveyed many 'ohana genealogy facts to my mom, Puanani, who told me that Grandma shared about her visits wilh Aunty Paahana, who was Tutudaddy's (Joseph Akau) first cousin. Annie Paahana Waialeale (b: 1905) was one of 15 children boin to Kalheiine Keka (b: 1867) and Hemy Waialeale; 3rdm: Samuel Nohoanu; 4th m: George Nuuanu; Kihkina hved wilh a Mahikoa before she died in 1925. We have no records of Kihkina having any children from Nohoanu, Nuuanu and Mahikoa. We are planning a Keka 'Ohana Reunion for 2011 and would hke to begin finding our roots to this huge family tree. If you have any informahon or data on Ihe Keka 'ohana, contact Kimo Kehi at kimokehi @ aol.com. NAALEIEHA Aloha, my name is Shirley Naaleieha. I am Ihe granddaughter of Peter Koalahiamoi Naleieha originally of Big Island. His parents are father Naleieha and mother Kauwilaokalani. Their children are Kamila, John, Maiy aka Mele, Kanuiokalani, Namahoeokalani, Hopeau and Namihmih. They may also be from Maui. We are planning a family reunion for Ihe 4th of July weekend in 2011 @ Honokōhau, Maui. We really would hke to meet our family
from Ihe Naleieha hne. All interested persons may contact me at: shirleynaleieha@aol.com; mail inquiries to 1304 Kahoma St., Lahaina, HI 96761; or eall 808-667-5933. KUULA KALEIKULA KAL AULI KAAWA/KEAKU AHANAE - Na Mamo O Kalauhpa'uli'uhauheaokekoa aka Louis Kuula Kaleikula Kalauh Kaawa aka Kalauli Kaleikula Kaawa a me Kalalani Keakuahane are having a family reunion March 17-20, 2011. March 17-18 registration in Hilo; March 19-20 events, lū'au, mo'okū'auhau sharing, mo'olelo and picture taking in Kona. Please register early so T-Shirts, lanyards and other items ean be ordered. Send any information to: eham/Mo'okū'auhau: Kaleo Nakahara at kalaulikaawa @ gmail.com or FACEBOOK (Groups-Kalauh Kaleikula Kaawa), (818) 582-5837 or (808) 937-9811; Co-Chair: Nani Kaeha. 'IMI 'OHANA • FAMILY SEARCH HOOLAPA Searching for my husband's Hawauan roots. His giandmother was Ahee Kapiolani Hoolapa, who died in 1992. Her parents were Albert Kuukia Hoolapa and Maiy Lomela Kaaihue. They had five children: Mabel, Maiyaim, Aliee, Wihiam and Albert Jr. Any information would be appreciated! Contact erinbrowne2004@yahoo.coni KA 'OHANA O KALAU - PAPA - has records and resources that could provide you with information about any ancestors you might have had at Kalaupapa. Contact us by e-mail (info@ kalaupapaohana.org), mail (Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa, P.O. Box 1111, Kalaupapa, HI 96742) or phone (Coordinator Valerie Monson at 808-573-2746). Tfrere is no charge for our research. All descendants are also weleome to heeome part of Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa. KUULA KALEIKULA KALAULI KAAWA/ KEAKUAH ANAE - Na Mamo O Kalaulipa'uli'uliauheaokekoa aka Louis Kuula Kaleikula Kalauli Kaawa aka Kalauli Kaleikula Kaawa(k) a me Kalalani Keakuahanae(w): Keanuenue (George K Kaawa), Kalehua Nui (Ehzabeth K Kaawa) ml. Kamakoa, m2. Commodore; Kuula (Isaac K Kaawa) ml. Ehza Lansing, m2. Victoria Hao Kaoulikookealani; Kaleikula (James K Kalauli) m. Annie Kikaha Pauh; Liwai (Liwai K Kaawa) ml. Constanhne Simiona, m2. Maiy Iona; Kalanikapu (Nancy K Kaawa) m. Dan Mokumaiia; Kamealoha (Arthur K Kaawa) m. Maha Kaiohenia; Kamanawa (Ellen K Kaawa) ml. Sing Yuen, m2. Nakano; Kalehua Lhhi (Abraham K Kaawa/Kalauh) m. Unknown; Kehihaaheo (Kehihaaheo Kaawa) m. Unknown; Kahao (Joseph K Kaawa) m. Unknown; Kawika (David K Kaawa). Also seeking Ihe descendants of his brothers David Haili Kaawa Sr., Kuula Kaawa and Kaamoana Kaawa. Setfing of Family Reunion and Planning. Most descendants cairy one or more of his names: Kuula/Kaleikula/ Kalauh/Kaawa and most carry their Hawaiian names. If you have information and/or are 'ohana, contact Kaleo Nakahara at kalauhkaawa @ gmail.com or FACEBOOK (Groups-Kalauh Kaleikula Kaawa).
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