Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 5, 1 Mei 2010 — Obesity study seeks Native Hawaiian partici pants [ARTICLE]
Obesity study seeks Native Hawaiian partici pants
The Comprehensive Weight Management Program of the Queen's Medical Center is looking for participants for a new study on the effects of bariatric surgery in the Native Hawaiian population. The study will evaluate weight loss and improvement in obesityrelated disease following the bariatric procedure, normally performed on people who are dangerously overweight. Participants in the study must be Native Hawaiian, between 25 and 50 years old, previously diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and be more than 100 pounds over weight.
The study is funded with grants from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Queen's Medical Center Native Hawaiian Heahh Program. For information, eall the Queen's Comprehensive Weight Management Program at 537-7374.