Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 5, 1 Mei 2010 — table of contents mea o loko mei may 2010 vol. 27, no. 5 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
table of contents mea o loko mei may 2010 vol. 27, no. 5
Mo'olelo nui: Cover feature Native Hawaiians at the īop of Their Game | PAGE 14 by h0ward dashefsky, kathy muneno, francine murray and lisa asat0 | From government leaders Louis Kealoha and his wife, Katherine, to tech-savvy KeikiPua Dancil, Hawaiians are at the top of their game. In this issue, Howard Dashefsky and Kathy Muneno join Ka Wai Ola as contributing writers. See their stories startinu on naue 14.
Kahua Waiwai: Eeonomie Self-Sufficiency Making a living making music | PAGE 11 by francine murray | With a grant from OHA, the first Nā Hōku 0 Hawai'i Music Festival will include scores of workshops to help the Hawaiian music industry thrive in this new global economy. Ea: Governance Gongressional hopefuls face off in OHAsponsored debate | PAGE 5 by jennifer armstrong | On May 3, Hawai'i News Now anchor Tannya Joaquin will moderate a live debate between Ed Case, Charles Djou and Colleen Hanabusa.
CALENDAR | PAGE 26 Events overflow with native expressions, from Maoli Arts Month to the 'Ōiwi Film Festival. New monthly feature! Spotlight on Research PAGE9 by nalani takushi and mark eshima | A money-saving proposal calling for office closures and layoffs would affect a significant number of Native Hawaiians who receive financial help from the Department of Human Services.
Published monthly by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 71 1 Kapi'olani Boulevard, Ste. 500, Honolulu, Hawai'i 9681 3. Telephone: 594-1 888 or 1 -800-468-4644 ext. 41 888. Fax: 594-1 865. Email: kwo@ OHA.org. World Wide Web location: www.oha.org. Circulation: 60,000 copies, 53,000 of whieh are distributed by mail, and 7,000 through island offices, state and county offices, private and eommunity agencies and target groups and individuals. Ka Wai Ola is printed by O'ahu Publications. Hawaiian fonts are provided by Coconut lnfo. Advertising in Ka Wai Ola does not constitute an endorsement of products or individuals by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Ka Wai Ola is published by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to help inform its Hawaiian beneficiaries and other interested parties about Hawaiian issues and activities and OHA programs and efforts. ©2010 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. All rights reserved.
Howard Dashefsky is a 25-year veteran in broadcast news, he teachesjournalism at the University of Hawai'iMānoa and produces shows for 0C 16.
Kathy Muneno is a weekend weather anchor at KH0N2.
From ^ the film "OUEENIE:
The Spirit of a Dancer". - Photo courtesy of: 'Oiwi Pilm Festival