Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 5, 1 May 2010 — OHA SENT US 'AN ANGEL' [ARTICLE]

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Words cannot begin to express my sincere aloha to you and to OHA for sending those of us who for many reasons now reside outside our beautiful homeland, an angel; someone who truly cares about our well being; who hears our concerns and then makes every effort to "fix" things. . . . Mahalo for helping to mobilize our oommunities on the Continent; for the many, many hours you've worked to create a network of partnerships that without your foresight, would not be partners today. Mahalo for reminding us about who we are and the importance of remembering the contributions of our kūpuna to the culture that is Hawai'i. Mahalo for blazing trails that now connect so many communities on the continent to eaoh other; for helping us find other Hawaiians in far-off places. Mahalo for inspiring us by your own actions to do better; to work harder and most of all to be kind to others even when that kindness is not reciprocated. . . . You are indeed a visionary and truly a brilliant person; nā 'ōiwi 'ōlino ... our oall for the rest of our lives. Sharon Paulo Los Angeles