Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2010 — 'apelila [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
PŌ'AONO, LĀ 10 O 'APELILA HO'OMAU CONCERT Sat, Apn 10,9 a.m.-4 p.m. "Aloha Honua" is the theme for this year's Ho'olaule'a festival benefitting Pūnana Leo o Moloka'i Hawaiian language immersion school. Offers keiki games, food booths, hula, Hawaiian music, silent auehon, raffle and crafts. Lanikeha Center in Ho'olehua. Lree. 808-567-9211. PŌ'AONO, LĀ 17 O 'APELILA KS-MAUI HO'OLAULE'A 2010 Sat, Apr. 17, 10 a.m.-i p.m. Sixth annual celebration features live loeal entertainment, 'ono food and eool drinks, silent auction, keiki games and crafts, Dunk Tank, Kapakahi Horseshoe Tournament, 4-Man Grass Volleyball Tournament, Wacky Photo Booth, Keiki ID booth, Book Lair and more. Lree admission and free parking. Powered by KS-Maui's Parent Teacher Student 'Ohana in partnership with Kamehameha Schools-Maui.
X \iiHV ■ 1 ! f ksmauih20 10 @gmail.com. PŌ'ALIMA-LĀPULE, NĀ LĀ 23-55 O 'APELILA HENRY KALEIALOHA ALLEN HAWAIIAN STEEL GUITAR FESTIVAL Fri.-Sun., Apr. 23-25, 5:30 -9 p.m. Cultural festival pays tribute to the only true Hawaiian stringed instrument, kika kila, or the Hawaiian steel guitar. Features workshops, performances by Hawaiian trios and a concert headlined by the festival's namesake, with guest artists from Japan and California. Kā'anapali Beach Hotel, West Maui. Free. 808-669-6189, 808-667-2805, henrykallen.com or aecg.org. PŌ'AONO, LĀ 24 O 'APELILA GROW HAWAIIAN FESTIVAL Sat, Apr. 24, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Celebrate Earth Day, Hawaiian style. Find out about climate change, elean energy and conservation while learning the traditional Hawaiian uses
of native plants. Beat kapa, weave lau hala, make lei and craft Hawaiian implements. Includes a native plant sale, keiki activities, lomilomi
massage, Hawaiian food and music by Kaukahi, Holunape and Weldon
Kekauoha. Free for kama'āina and military. 543-7511. EAST MAUI TARO FESTIVAL Sat, Apr. 24, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. This 18th annual all-day cultural event honors kalo, or taro, the staple food of Hawai'i. Features loeal musicians, food booths offering kalo dishes, hula hālau, arts and crafts, agricultural tent with a Farmer's Market and poipounding demonstration. Free. Hau'oli and Uakea roads, Hāna, Maui. 808-264-1553 or info@tarofestival.org.
PŌ'ALIMA, LĀ 30 O 'APELILA 'FIRESIDE STORIES' ATVOLCANO Fri., Apr. 30, 7 p.m. Learn about the history, culture and people of Hawai'i in this series of talks, with topics like "Lei: Ieonie Emblems of Hawai'i and Aloha" by Leilehua Yuen and Manu Josiah on April 30. Discover the many styles of lei and how lei-making skills eame to Hawai'i. Free; donations weleome. Park entrance fees may apply. Volcano Art Center Gallery, Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. 808-967-8222 or volcanoartcenter.org. PŌ'AONO, LĀ 1 O MEI KAUA'I MUSEUM MAY DAY FESTIVAL Sat, May 1, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Annual Lei Day Competition celebrates innovative interpretations by today's lei makers. The museum will open for viewing of lei creations, demonstrations and activities on the lawn. Or, for a small fee, try your hand at making your own lei in the Lei Making Tent. With 'ono food and entertainment by Kaua'i's finest. !Free. Kaua'i Museum, Llhu'e. 808-245-6931 orkauaimuseum.org. PŌ'AONO, LĀ8 0 MEI MAMA, MY MAMA, I LOVE YOU Sat, May 8, 5 p.m. Hālau Kala'akeakauikawēkiu led by Kumu Hula Kenneth "Aloha" Victor showcases its talents at a Mother's Day L celebration with Hōkū award winners k Weldon Kekauoha, Napua Greig, I Natalie Ai Kamauu and surprise guests. [ Hawaiian food for sale. Proceeds help the hālau's keiki participate in the Queen Lili'uokalani Keiki Hula Competition on O'ahu. $40, Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort & Spa. For reservations, information or to donate to the silent auction, 808-322-6141, 808-989-4616, flowersw aloha@aol.comorhalau-k.com. ■
Waipuna Entertainment inaugurai Mother's Day Concert Sun. May 9, 9:30 a.m. Pamper your Mom at an all-you-can-eat Sunday brunch buffet and show offering Hawaiian melodies by Waipuna and the Waipuna Dancers and Hōkū Award winners Kūpaoa, Weldon Kekauoha and Nā Palapālai. With hula by Hālau O Nā Ā
Pua Kukui (Kumu Hula Ed Collier), Hālau Hi'iakaikamakalehua (Nā Kumu Hula Keano Haupu and Lono Padilla) and Kaua'i's own Kumu Hula Maka Herrod. Queen Kapi'olani
Hotel. $50 adults, $35 12 and under, $500 for tables of 10. Queen's seating, $75 eaeh or $700 for a table, includes chocolate, roses, Champagne and a Waipuna CD. J Reservations: 931-4450, fax 922-2694 or i sales@queenkapiolani.com. Specialhotel I rates apply, 922-1941 or sales@queen I kapiolani.com. M
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featuring native hawaiian news, features and events ka wai ola | the living water of OHA
Henry Kaleialoha Allen will share his love a uniquely Hawaiian style of music at the Henry Kaleialoha Allen Hawaiian Steel Guitar Festival,- Photo: Courtesy of the festival
Master artists display their wares and teach their skills in weaving, kapa , making and lei making using native plants at the Grow Hawaiian Festival. - Photo: Courtesy ofHawaiian Electric Co.