Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2010 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
2011 AKANA/KAAI KALA/KANOE We are planning and organizing a family reunion set for July 8-10, 2011. īt's been decided and agreed by our Family Board of Committee to have a three-day event to bring all the families together in fellowship and bonding and to reunite everyone onee again. We will be having monthly meetings through April 2011 for planning and coordinating. Next year's family reunion will be put together by the third and fourth generations of cousins and siblings. But we encourage all families' support to make this happen. For details on the abovementioned names, contact me via e-mail at skking060703@yahoo.com or phone at 808-499-3199. ī am the Chairperson of our seven-member Family Board of Committee 2009-201 1 and five-member Genealogy Committee. Our last family reunion was held more than 10 years ago, according to our family elders. They have passed the torch and light to our generations to get things started and organize a reunion to bring all the families together. The importance is 'ohana and getting to meet those we haven't met and reuniting with those we have. NAALEIEHA - Aloha, my name is Shirley Naaleieha. ī am the granddaughter of Peter Koalahiamoi Naleieha originally of Big īsland. His parents are father Naleieha and mother Kauwilaokalani. Their children are Kamila, John, Mary aka Mele, Kanuiokalani, Namahoeokalani, Hopeau and Namilimili. They may also be from Maui. We are planning a family reunion for the 4th of July weekend in 201 1 @ Honokōhau Maui. We really would like to meet our family from the Naleieha line. All interested persons may contact me at; shirleynaleieha@aol.com; mail inquiries to 1304 Kahoma St., Lahaina, Hī 96761; or eall 808-667-5933. IMI 'OHANA • FAMILY SEARCH HOOLAPA Searching for my husband's Hawaiian roots. His grandmother was Aliee Kapiolani Hoolapa, who died in 1992. Her parents were Albert Kuukia Hoolapa and Mary Lomela Kaaihue. They had five children; Mabel, Maryann, Aliee, William and Albert Jr. Any information would be appreciated! Contact erinbrowne2004 @ yahoo.com. KA 'OHANA O KALAUPAPA - has records and resources that could provide you with information about any ancestors you might have had at Kalaupapa. Contact us by e-mail (info@ kalaupapaohana.org), mail (Ka 'OhanaO Kalaupapa, P.O. Box 1111, Kalaupapa, Hī 96742) or phone (Coordinator Valerie Monson at 808-573-2746). There is no charge for our research. All descendants are also weleome to become part of Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa.
lease. Graham Realty ine., Bobbie Kennedy (RA) (808) 221-6570 email habuchal@aol.com. MŪLŪKAI: Kapaakea Lp 4 bdrm/1.5 baths $265,000/offer 17,000 sf lot. Completely Renovated. Kalamaula 1 acre lot $20,000 oeean view. Charma ine I. Quilit Poki (R) (808) 295-4474. NANAKULI: 3/2 $325,000 corner lot, rock wall, new kitchen and bathroom cabinets, move in condition, photos on website www.Charmaine QuilitPoki.com or ea II (808) 295-4474. 1 ACRE LŪT w/3 bdrm. 2 full bath carport. CMU tile house Hoolehua, Molokai. DHHL qualified $185,000 or trade for Waimanalo. Serious only (808) 560-6282. PAPAKOLEA: 4BD/2BA home, close to park. Make offer. 688-6578. QUALIFY ANŪ PAY NŪTHING to sell your DHHL property. FREE Real Estate Services for Hawaiians. Kama'aina RealtyLLC Richard Pascua (R) PB (808) 753-3083, info@KamaainaRealty.net. WAIEHU KOU III VACANT CŪRNER LŪT: Private eommunity, near golf course, inel. all utils. $37,500 or trade for Wai mea or Kona, Big lsland, orWaimanalo. Possible $8000 tax breakforfirsttime homebuyer. 808-381-2444 or email kealii5962@msn.com. WAIOHULI, MAUI: VIEW lot almost 1 acre. Second lot from Kula Hwy. Must be at least 50% Hawaiian & registered with DHHL. $110,000 LH. Properties lnt'l Ltd. 808-628-7640.