Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2010 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
featuring native hawaiian news, features and events | ka wai ola | the living water of OHA
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!
2010 AFOA-LUTU/KAWAAKOA - The descendants of Simanu Afoa (Fagatogo, AmericanSāmoa) and,Annie Kawaakoa (Kīpahulu-Kaupō, Maui) are planning their second annual Afoa-Lutu 'Ohana Reunion on the weekend of July 24, 2010, in Nānākuli, O'ahu. Simanu and ,Aonie had eight children; Simanu (m; Margaret Rodrigues); Wilson; Herman (m; Arviella Waialae); Paul (m; Marlene Kaahaaina); Nelson (m; Ilse Edelmann); Dixie (m; John Kalamau); Stanley; Elliot (m; Emily Hoopii). We would like to invite our Sāmoan 'ohana to this reunion, who are the siblings and descendants of our Tūtūman Simanu; ,Ana (m; Coen & Ulugaono); Faasuka; Suesue; Atapuai; Tafisi; Faatamalii; Leata'ie (m; Asuega); Tafaigau; īofi; Sofa and Sautia. For reunion informahon, contact Kimo Kelii at kimokelii@aol.com, Luamauga Savini at luamauga06@yahoo.com or īopu Fale at jrfale@hotmail.com. AH LEONG/KALAMA/MOKULEHUA/KAUAHI - The descendants of John ,Ah Leong (b; Feb. 1838) and Kalama (b; 1840 in South Kona) are planning an 'Ohana Reunion. The marriage of ,Ah Leong and Kalama produced seven children; Lulima; Juliana (m; Kepano Mokulehua in 1872); Josephine (m; Joseph Kauahi in 1887); Ben Ah Leong; Thomas ,Ah Leong (m; Mabel Pohina); Kekui and Kalua. No data on Lulima. Juliana and Kepano had eleven (11) children; Thomas (m; Mary Napua); Victor (m; Harriet); Elizabeth (m; Hoolopa Keano); Julia (m; George Waialae); Moses (m; Catherine); John (m; K. Kaopuiki); Ella (m; Nicholas Zablan); Sabina; Juliano (m; Myrtle Smith); Annie; Victor (m; Victoria Kamalii). Josephine and Joseph Kauahi had six (6) children; ,Ana (m; Joseph Amorin); Peter (m; Hattie Apana); Margarita (m; Samuel Keliikuli); Francis (m; Elizabeth ,Ah-Hoy); Joseph (m; Bernice Mahiai, ,Amy Oshiro, Emily Ah-You); Josephine (m; James Akima). No data on Ben ,Ah Leong. Thomas and Mabel had one son, Daniel. No data on Kekui and Kalua. For reunion information, email Kimo Kelii at kimokelii @ aol.com. CLAUDE/JONES - The descendants of William Claude and Ma'ema'e Jones and their extended family and friends will hold the first Big Island Potluck Family Reunion on Saturday, July 17, 2010, at Wailoa State Park Pavilion #2A and #3 (Keiki), starting at 2 p.m. There will be a golf tournament in the moming. We meet onee a month. ,Anyone wishing to kokua may contact us; Laua'e (Karen) DeSilva at 966-6872, Keahi Halualani Kahiapo at 934-7210 and/or Noelani Spencer at nspencer001@hawaii.rr.com. We will be sending out registration information via our Kaneohe Jones Committee.
KAHOLOKU LA - Sorry for the inconvenience; the dates have changed to July 9-10, 2010, for the reunion of the 'ohana of Kuhalimaiohuli and Kealiiamoiliili Kaholokula of Maui. They had 11 children; 1) Kuhaupio 2) Kuhaupio & Kaniala, Apitaila (w) 3) Keauli & Wahauku (h) 4) Ulunui & Lee, Akaloka (h) 5) Puakailima & Akuna, GooTong (h) 6) Kaleikapu & Napeha, Emily (w) 7) Kalaina & Maekee, Emma (w) 8) Maia 9) Keoni 10) Alapai & Sni'ffen, Deborah (w) 1 1) Kaiminaauao & Hema, Maryann (w). The Kaholokula family reunion will be held at Hale Nanea Hall in Kahului, Maui. We are looking for all who are related to attend. Contact Haulani Kamaka, 808-268-9249; Gordon Apo, 808-269-0440; or Clifford Kaholokula Jr., 808-250-1733. Or, email us at kaholokulareunion20 1 0 @ yahoo.com . KAHUNANUI/MAIHUI - We, the descendants of Kekahunanui "Paul" Kahua Kahunanui and Elizabeth Kaholokahiki Maihui of Nu'u Village, Kaupō, Maui, are planning a family reunion on Aug. 20, 2010, at the Hannihal Tavares Pukalani Community Center and on Saturday, Aug. 21 we will meet at Kēōkea Park up Kula to go to Nu'u, Kaupō, Maui. We are also welcoming ALL 'ohana to join us in the planning in our monthly meetings. We are still seeking 'ohana for 'ohana connections to strengthen our family history. īf you have any information to share, contact Harry Kahunanui, 808-878-1854; Boyd Mossman, 808-244-2121; Leiko Kahunanui Vierra, 808-214-6377; or Lokelau Kahunanui Faye, 808-573-0545. Ealaē! KA'IAWE/SIMEONA The descendants of Henry Moses Ka'iawe (Ka'iewe) and Martha Maleka Kalaloa Simeona are planning an 'ohana reunion for 2010. We are seeking information as to how many children Henry and Martha's union produced. Currently the data we have is on only one child (my Tūtūlady) named Lydia Ka'iawe, who married three times to I. David Keawepoo Jr., II. George Tripp and ĪĪL Moses Kaiu. The marriage of Lydia and George produced six ehildren; 1. George (m; Esther Pollett) had six children; 2. Lydia (m; Alexander Armitage) had 16 children; 3. Henry (m; Elizabeth Kahihikolo) had seven children; 4. Solomon (m; Mildred Cambra) had four children; 5. Annie (m; George Cambra) had one child; 6. Sarah (m; Flemmin Gaskin) had two children. Contact Henry Ka'iawe Tripp Makanani at 808-781-2417 or email kw_tripp@yahoo.com for information about reunion planning. KALAMA - Descendants of John Kalama, who was born in Kula, Maui, in the year 1811, we invite you and your families to the Kalama Family Reunion at the Warm Springs īndian
Reser\fation on Friday and Saturday, June 25 and 26, 2010. The reunion will be on the same weekend as our Annual Pi-Ume-Sha Pow-wow. There will be many activities happening around the Warm Springs area; īndian dancing, many arts and crafts vendors, rodeo, horse racing, walk/runs, softball games and casino. We look forward to meeting everyone. For information, eontact; Sara Scott, P.O. Box 1002, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Sara's work number is 541-553-1196, e-mail; sscott@ wstribes.org. Also contact Brenda Kalama-Scott, P.O. Box 502, Warm Springs, OR 97761. KALEO - The descendants of James Makoleokalani Kaleo and Louisa Tilton originally of Hāna, Maui, are planning a family reunion on Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3-5, 2010, in Wailuku, Maui. James and Louisahad seven ehildren; (1) Mary, ml Charley ,Ahue, m2 William Logan; (2) īsaac, m Madaline C.; (3) Charles, ml ,Aonie Kekuku, m2 May Hart; (4) Bessie, ml James Kalua, m2 Richard Pedro; (5) Thomas, ml Matilda Thompson, m2 īrene; (6) Florence, m William īchinose; (7) Nancy, m Pedro Sado. For information, contact Lorraine Adolpho, 808-244-0663; Douglas Sado, 808-242-9044; Frances Tokunaga, 808-264-3209; Keola Aguinaldo, hakino5949@yahoo. eom; or William Sabal, alohapaani@ hotmail.com. KAOLOWI FROM LAUPĀHOEHOE, HAWAI'I - The descendants of Maria Kaolowi Malani, ,Aonie Kaolowi Palakiko, James Kaolowi, John Kaolowi and Johnny Kaolowi Richard. Family reunion Oct. 5-7 2010, Sam's Town Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada. Contact 702-516-1867, 808-772-8251 orpiimahoe@aol.com. KAWAAUHAU/PAAUHAU - The descendants of DANIEL Kawaauhau (Aliikapeka Kaliuna), PHĪLLĪP Kawaauhau (Kahele Kaaiwaiu), JOHN Kawaauhau (Waiwaiole) and K,4.HĪONA Kawaauhau (Simeon Milikaa Paauhau) are having a family reunion July 2-5, 2010, in Mākaha, O'ahu. This event will be hosted by H-ANN-AH K-A-AH-A-AĪNA K,4W,A,4UHAU, the granddaughter of KEKUMU Kawaauhau and greatgranddaughter of DANĪEL Kawaauhau. DANIEL, PHĪLLĪP and JOHN arebrothers and they had one sister K,4HĪ0NA. D,4NĪEL had 13 children; WAHINENUI, PAHIO, KAHALEPO, KELĪĪKULĪ, KAHANAPULE, KAPILIELA, KAULAHAO, PAULO, KALEIKAUEA, MAKL4, KEKUMU, IC4UIC4 and H,4,4HE0 KAWAAUHAU. All children but the last three use their first name as their last name. PHĪLLĪP had two children; JAMES and HENRY H,4RT KAWAAUHAU; JOHN had three ehildren: ANNA, KELIIHELELA,AULL4NA KAWAAUHAU; and KAHIONA two children; SAM and AGNES PAAUHAU.
For information, write to; Kaiu Lalawai, 85-1290 Kapaekahi St., Wai'anae, Hī 96792 (808-696-1398); Corinna Kyle, 85-1051 Hooku'ikahi St., Wai'anae, Hī 96792 (808-696-7867, eell 808-692-3005); or Sarah Kahele, 144 Ka'ie'ie Plaee, Hilo, Hī 96720 (808-959-1607, eell 808-854-0330). KEALOHA - The descendants of Solomon Kealoha Sr. and Aliee Kanoe Kahoe Paia, and the descendants of their children Annie Lani, Solomon Jr., ,41ice, David Sr., Rose, Mary ,4nn, William Sr., Helen, Sarah, Richard Sr. and Paul Sr. will be having a reunion on Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3-5, 2010, on Maui at Hale Nanea. Please save the dates. Mahalo, Cynthia Mahealani (Uwekoolani) Yap, daughter of Rose Kahilipualoke Kealoha and John Moanaliha Uwekoolani, granddaughter of Solomon Kealoha Sr. and Aliee Kanoe Kahoe Paia. KELIIKOA - īmmediate attention to all Keliikoas; You are invited to a family reunion planning meeting to be held April 17, 2010, at Lili'uokalani Gardens (Tea House) on the Big īsland at 9 a.m. Come for more information, planning and genealogy. Potluck. Contact Henry K., 808-959-7730; Harvey K., 808-987-2329; or Sampaguita W., 808-895-4398. NEDDLES-GILMAN - This year will be the 53rd 'ohana reunion of Rose Ma'iki Gilman and we would like to honor her great-grandfather, his wives and her brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, nephews, nieces and cousins. The wives of John Neddles Anthony Chu-Chu Gilman and his ehildren; (1) Louisa Pi'ilani Po'okui, four children - Mary Neddles (m James Duncan), Louisa (ml Ah.ung/Ahana, one child; m2 Arthur P. Brickwood, seven children), E.A.C. Neddles and A.C. Neddles, both died young. (2) Harriet Kapu Kawahaea, five children - Joseph Neddles Gilman (ml Mary Kanoena; m2 Mariah Makaimoku, two children), John K. Neddles Gilman (m Kahaleole), James Neddles Gilman (m Kauha Ulumaheihei Wahineaea, seven children), Harriet Kapu Neddles Gilman (m GeorgeW.C. Jones, 12 ehildren), Anthony Neddles Gilman (ml Lilian Kaina, one child; m2 Emma Wood, two children; m3 Wahine; m4 īsabel Kahale Gardner, five children.) Contact Johnette Aipa-Germano, 808-673-6757; Joe Aipa, 808-382-4142; Rose -Aipa-Derego, 808-772-1984; Toni Aipa-Toetu'u, 808-306-9183; or Dione Aipa, 808-256-4135. Find out more at neddles-gilman-ohana.blogspot.com. PU KAH I - The descendants of Kahana and Kaloi Pukahi will be holding a reunion on May 31, 2010, at Kakela Beach Park in Hau'ula, O'ahu, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, eontact Luana Solomon at 808-780-5146 or XLD_SOLOMON @ Y4H00.C0M.
* * +lin L| | Type or clearly write your ad of 175 orfewer characters (including spaces and punctua\r/>\r/> t'onl anc' ma" payment to: Office of Hawaiian Affairs at 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Hono1 1 1 dl\Vl\v lulu, Hl 96813. Make eheek payable to OHA. Submissions received by the 15th ofthe month will appear in next month's edition. CICJSSifiedS OI"lly $1 2.50
AAA KAPOLEI EAST I (Kanehili) Undivided lnterest - Have Buyer "Ready-Willing-Able" purchase lease. West Oahu Realty ine. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) 808.228.9236 Ema il:Rea IEstate@WJKBa iley.com Web:Www.Wilhelm-J K-Ba iley.com. AAA KONA-LAI 0 PUA 2Bd/lBa, Garage, Solar, Rockwa 1 1 , Landscape, Oceanview - $210,000. West Oahu Realty ine. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) 808.228.9236; Email:RealEstate@ WJKBailey.com. AAA WAIANAE-3Bd/2BA, Custom built home, Garage, Patio, Fence/Wa II, Landscape yard, Mountain view-$250,000. West Oahu Realty ine. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) 808.228.9236; Email:Rea IEstate@WJKBailey.com. BIG ISLAND HOMESTEAD for sale. Kawaihae. Call 808-217-5561 if interested. BIG ISLAND, LAI'OPUA Villages 4 & 5 undivided interest lease, construction soon. $20K. WAIMEA10 & 20 Acres Pastoral, 5acresAG; Puupulehu-2 residential lots. Graham Realty ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) (808) 221-6570 email habuchal@ aol.com. BIG ISLAND, WAIMEA Country Home with attached Certified Kitchen/Warehouse. Tractor Shed, Office/Storage Building. 10 acres fenced Farm. All utilities. ŪHHL requirements. 1-808-756-2688. CHARMAINE I. OUILIĪ POKI (REALT0R) Special-
ized in Hawaiian Home Lands properties. (Fee Simple also) www.CharmaineQuilitPoki.com (808) 295-4474 Century 21 Realty Specialists. DHHL LAIOPUA HOMESTEAD L0TS: lfyou qualify for a vacant lot at Laiopua, we ean work with you as "owner-builder" format to reduce your building costs compared to Turn Key models offered by ŪHHL. Call 895-2919. DIABETIC, ŪVERWEIGHT? I lost 35lbs, 5 wks. Off insulin, diabetes, cholest, BP meds. Fast, safe, phys. recomm. Johnny Kai www.ohanawellness.tsfl. eom (971) 533-6881 ohanawellness@msn.com. D0N'T LŪSE Y0UR LŪT! Buy more ti me. Trade your vacant Hikina, Kula, Waiohuli lot for Waiohuli Undiv lnt. Looking for vac lot to swap. (808) 572-4987 (808) 221-1458 Kehau/Suzy. EXPERIENCEDINDHHLPROPERTIESandgeneral real estate needs - all lslands. Bobbie Kennedy (RA), Graham Realty ine. (808) 545-5099 (808) 221-6570, email habuchal @aol.com. HOME F0R SALE at Kula Waiohuli. Views, bicoastal and Haleakala.3 bd/2-K2 ba, lessthan 1 year new. Plantation style w/wrap around balconies. Can enclose downstairs for more living space. 1 acre leveled lot. Email elkpenn@hawaiiantel.net. HOME F0R SALE in La'iopua, Kona. 2 bd/l ba home has insulated walls, oeean views, rock walls, and yard ready for landscaping or expansion! Leasehold. Call Lily Dudoit, R(S) Rainbow Properties
808-557-1612 or email lilylyo@gmail.com. HOMESTEAD LŪTS: Kawaihae 26,397 sf. $35,000, Keaukaha 21,560 sf. $30,000, Panaewa 10 acres $175,000 & 5 acres$55,000 Wanted: Kanehili lease Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) (808) 295-4474. H0USE F0R SALE by owner: 2 Bd/2 full bath, living rm. Gas or electric. Washer-dryer, outside patio slab. Studio or work area! Kaniohale, Kailua-Kona. $220,000. (808) 355-8588. KAMUELA: 4 bdrm/2.5 baths $275,000/offer (Puupulehu) built in 2000, single story, 10,000 sf lot, photos on website www.CharmaineQuilit Poki.com or eall (808) 295-4474. KAWAIHAE: 3 bdrm/3 baths $240,000 Oeean views, split A/C, Wooden blinds, Single level 37,636 lot, photos on website www.CharmaineQuilit Poki.com or eall (808) 295-4474. L00KING F0R ŪHHL qualified to sell 21,000+sf lot in Keaukaha for $30,000/negotiable. Willing to trade for Oahu, eall 732-9751. LUALUALEI, WAIANAE: 3/1.5 w/yard, $225K. DHHL Lease. Graham Realty ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) (808) 221-6570 email habuchal@aol.com. MAUI: KEOKEA AG 2.9 acres. DHHL Lease. Graham Realty ine. Bobbie Kennedy (RA) (808) 221-6570, email habuchal@aol.com. MŪLŪKAI: 5 acres Hoolehua, Hydroponics nursery, beautiful 2 story home, panoramic oeean/ mountain views, all equipment included. DHHL