Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2010 — mea O loko table of contents ʻApelila April 2010 Vol.27, No. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
mea O loko table of contents ʻApelila April 2010 Vol.27, No.
Āina: Land and Water Where are the ceded
BY FRANCINE MURRAY | As part of the Kia'a 'Āina Project, University of Hawai'i Professor Lilikalā Kame'eleihiwa is aiming to train professionals in the inventory of the former ceded lands.
Ea: Governance Akaka Bill amendments reflect congressional nrnniise tn Native
> I PAGE 5
BY HAUNANI APOUONA | The OHA Chairperson examines the recent approval of the Akaka Bill in the U.S. House and what it means to the Native Hawaiian drive for self-determination.
Ho'ona'auao: Education New study shows benefits of culture-based
BY LISA ASAT0 | Parents and teachers have long noticed that culture in the classroom promotes learning. Now comes the latest research that gives high marks to this notion.
New monthly feature! Hot off the 19thcentury presses!
BY KAU'I SAI-DUDOIT | Ho'olaupa'i: the Hawaiian Newspaper Project tells the story behind the state motto.
1 1 PAGE 22
From Earth Day to the musical group Waipuna's inaugural Mother's Day Concert, find events brimming with 'ohana-style fun.
Published monthly by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 71 1 Kapi'olani Boulevard, Ste. 500, Honolulu, Hawai'i 9681 3. Telephone: 594-1 888 or 1 -800-468-4644 ext. 41 888. Fax: 594-1 865. Email: kwo@ OHA.org. World Wide Web location: www.oha.org. Circulation: 60,000 copies, 53,000 of whieh are distributed by mail, and 7,000 through island offices, state and county offices, private and eommunity agencies and target groups and individuals. Ka Wai Ola is printed by O'ahu Publications. Hawaiian fonts are provided by Coconut lnfo. Advertising in Ka Wai Ola does not constitute an endorsement of products or individuals by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Ka Wai Ola is published by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to help inform its Hawaiian beneficiaries and other interested parties about Hawaiian issues and activities and OHA programs and efforts. ©2010 Office of Hawaiian Affairs. All rights reserved.
Jerry Konanui pounds poi at the taro fest. - Photo: Courtesy ofEastMaui īaro Festival