Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2010 — Chaminade offers scholarships for Native Hawaiians [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Chaminade offers scholarships for Native Hawaiians

Chaminade University in Honolulu is offering several types of scholarships to meet the higher education needs of Native Hawaiians. All eligible students of Native Hawaiian ancestry are encouraged to apply for half-tuition scholarships for the 2010-1 1 academic year at Chaminade. Incoming first-year students whose families are members of

Hawaiian civic clubs in Hawai'i or the continental U.S. may apply for the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Scholarship. Additionally, Chaminade University offers the Department of Hawaiian Homelands Student Educational Opportunity Grant Scholarship to residents of Hawaiian homestead lands. Chaminade also offers educahonal opportunity grant scholarships for graduates of the schools of Nā Lei Na'auao, the Native Hawaiian Charter School Allianee. Chaminade officials say that an estimated 15 percent of the private university's day undergraduates have Native Hawaiian ancestry. Scholarship awards may be applied to cover the cost of Chaminade's new nursing program, whieh will include a focus on cultural eompetency in serving the heahh care needs of the Native Hawaiian and Paeihe Islander communities. For scholarship information, eall 735-4750 or visit chaminade.edu/ native_hawaiian.