Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 2010 — Akaka witnesses Ohama sign health insurance bill [ARTICLE]
Akaka witnesses Ohama sign health insurance bill
U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Akaka attended President Obama's signing of the health insurance reform bill in the East Room of the White House on March 23. "It was a real pleasure and a privilege to witness the signing of this great bill by the president at the White House," Akaka said in a news release. "Our President Obama accomplished something that other presidents have tried. This bill really expands access to health coverage to millions of more people. It was a great feeling to know that history was taking plaee there." The legislation contains funds for hospitals in Hawai'i under a Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital, or DSH, allotment, whieh support hospitals that care for significant numbers of Medicaid and uninsuredpatients. The allotment is permanently restored in the legislation. The legislation also includes language allowing Hawai'i's employer-mandated insurance law to remain in effect. Akaka said the bill's provisions will help the poor people who need help.
Speaking of Obama, Akaka added: "It was so great to know that a person from Hawai'i is leading the nation and doing such a great job, so I couldn't help but give him a big hug after the signing."