Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2010 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

AAA KAPOLEI EAST I (Kanehili) Undivided lnterest - Have Buyer "Ready-Willing-Able" purchase lease. West Oahu Realty ine. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) 808.228.9236 Email:Real Estate@WJKBailey.com Web:www. Wilhelm-JK-Bailey.com AAA KONA-LAI 0 PUA 2Bd/lBa, Garage, Solar, Rockwall, Landscape, 0ceanview-$210,000. West Oahu Realty ine. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) 808.228.9236; Email:RealEstate@WJ KBailey.com AAAWAIANAE-3Bd/2BA, Custom built home, Garage, Patio, Fence/Wall, Landscape yard, Mountain view$250,000. West Oahu Realty ine. Wilhelm JK Bailey (R) 808.228.9236; Email:RealEstate@WJKBailey.com BIG ISLAND, KAMUELA Pastoral 300+ acres. Lush, fenced pasture with 3bd/lba cabin. All utilities, Hwy frontage. $650,000. Dave Richardson (R), Hawaii Pacific Brokers LLC (808) 885-5557. BIG ISLAND, WAIMEA Country Home with attached Certified Kitchen/Warehouse. Tractor Shed, Office/ Storage Building. 10 acres fenced Farm. All utilities. DHHL requirements. 1-800-756-2688. CHARMAINE I. ŪUILIT POKI (REALT0R) Specialized in Hawaiian Home Lands properties. (Fee Simple also) www.CharmaineQuilitPoki.com (808) 295-4474 Century 21 RealtySpecialists. ŪHHL LAIOPUA HOMESTEAD L0TS: 10 vacant lots are reserved for "owner-builder" format. Will build a