Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 27, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2010 — ʻAha Hipuʻu ... 21 st century leaders [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

ʻAha Hipuʻu ... 21 st century leaders

Aloha e na 'oiwi 'ōlino. Last month's KWO article highlighted the "first and historic convention joining together the four Hawaiian Royal Societies (the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, the 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu, the Hale O Nā Ali'i o Hawai'i and the Daughters and Sons of Hawaiian Warriors - MĀMAKAKAUA) as the 'Aha Hlpu'u. This month

the founding of eaeh, documented and published by Hailama Farden in the 2006 publication registered with the U.S. Library of Congress is highlighted. "The Royal Order of Kamehameha I and its Nā Wahine Hui O Kamehameha: The Royal Order of Kamehameha I was founded on April 11, 1865, by Lot Kapuāiwa Kalanimakua Ali'iōlani Kalani Kapuapāikalaninui, King Kamehameha V." He founded the Royal Order of Kamehameha I "primarily to defend the Hawaiian Kingdom from outside interference and to honor the memory of his grandfather King Kamehameha I." Kamehameha V was the grandson of Kamehameha I, as his mother, High Chiefess Elizabeth Kīna'u, Kuhina Nui, was the daughter of Kamehameha I. 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu Chapter 1 Honolulu: "The original founder of the 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu was Princess Victoria Kamāmalu, born November 1, 1838, at the Honolulu Fort, daughter of Klna'u and Kekūanaō'a. The 'Ahahui, originally founded in 1863 during a social meeting of Princess Kamāmalu, Chiefess Lydia Dominis (to become Queen Lili'uokalani) and Chiefess Bernice Pauahi Bishop emerged with eoneem for the nation; conditions were worsening under the Western culture and Hawaiian people were not faring well. Kamāmalu decided that a way to alleviate conditions was by motivating a woman's movement. Thus was born the Society that Princess Kamāmalu, perpetual President and Founder, named after the great Queen Ka'ahumanu." The Society officially incorporated August 8, 1864, at Kawaiaha'o

Church. A September 1864 news article reported a membership of 1,500. Princess Kamāmalu died onMay 29, 1866. On October 6, 1866, the members decided to discontinue the Society because they felt unable to continue without their Founder. "The 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu was established for the second time on June 14, 1905, in Honolulu, Hawai'i; chartered at Kawaiaha'o Church." HaleO NāAli'iO Hawai'i: was "reorganized" April 7, 1918. "Reorganized denotes that Hale O Nā Ali'i O Hawai'i, originated

in 1886 as the Hale Nauā Scientific Society founded by King Kalākaua. Several splinters confirm this connection: 1) Hālau 'O Wahiika'ahu'ula owns in its collection, six Hale Nauā feather capes, 2) All title of officers of Hale O Nā Ali'i 0 Hawai'i and Hale Nauā begin with the prefix 'Ikū.' Nowhere else do these titles appear; 3) Many of the ranks of the two Societies are alike; 4) Many of the first Hale O Nā Ali'i O Hawai'i were members of Hale Nauā; 5) In a Bishop Museum interview, Aunty Jennie Wilson states that Hale O Nā Ali'i O Hawai'i was created when members of the Hale Nauā wanted to reopen the Society, whose first Ikū Ha'i was Her Royal Highness Po'omaikelani, sister of Queen Kapi'olani. Auntie Jennie further stated the early members of the 'Ahahui asked her for a name; she subsequently named this 'Ahahui, Hale O Nā Ali'i O Hawai'i." MĀMAKAKAUA, Daughters and Sons of Hawaiian Warriors, formally chartered October 30, 1917, were to unite the 'I, 'Ahu, Mahi and Palena Clans, called upon to unite the descendants of the ancient warriors of Hawai'i; so as to collect, preserve and perpetuate ancient and historical data as to their genealogies, traditions, mele and songs; and to emulate our ancestors in upholding the best customs and traditions of our people, and uniting for the eommon good in all public matters affecting our race." The Motto of the Society is, E 'IKE 1 KA HOA KANAKA, HE MĀMALA HOE KE KĀNĀWAI. Mahalo e Hailama a me ka 'Aha Hīpu'u. 15/48 ■

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Haunani Apoliona, MSW ChairpErsūn, TrustEE, At-largE